Bugs & Fleas! - Bug Reporting
- Kitty's Home Position Being Reset (1 Reply)
- Petting Bug: Script Error (1 Reply)
- 1.09 to 1.10 update Bug (1 Reply)
- Missing Cat (4 Replies)
- Possible bug with empty hearts (3 Replies)
- I can't pet my cat! (1 Reply)
- Won't attach or move? (9 Replies)
- Sinking through floors and walking through walls (3 Replies)
- Perma petting + gender text (3 Replies)
- My KittyCats can't be detach from me (1 Reply)
- Floating Text Name Didn't Change (2 Replies)
- Can't drop my kitty (1 Reply)
- Pedigree DB does not recognise name changes (3 Replies)
- HUD Problems (3 Replies)
- A question about the support tickets (3 Replies)
- Kitty Boxes - Name Issue (0 Replies)
- Feature request for the forum (where else should i post that?) (2 Replies)
- My Inventory was modified ! (8 Replies)
- strange info glitch (1 Reply)
- Return Home - needs proper rotation (1 Reply)