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Full Version: A question about the support tickets
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I was noticing as I logged in to see what was up with a kitty, and as always had superb and fast service, that there are clickable stars on the ticket info once you complete one. What is this for?
(07-23-2011 09:36 AM)Morsmordre Furman Wrote: [ -> ]I was noticing as I logged in to see what was up with a kitty, and as always had superb and fast service, that there are clickable stars on the ticket info once you complete one. What is this for?

There you can rate the support you got Smile
I think they should all be 5's!!! KC Support RAWKS!!!!! Heart

Thanks for this tip, I actually didn't know you could rate that. Spiffy!
All of mine are now rated and yaaay thank you for the information. Only one had no stars so, its not rated but should be. I never have bad service. Well with the KCs.
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