Bugs & Fleas! - Bug Reporting
- Cattery Bug (5 Replies)
- Cat of the Month (1 Reply)
- Love Vitamin cooldown (0 Replies)
- milk in bowls working ok? (2 Replies)
- Eye texture issues on Shamrock Kitties (4 Replies)
- I haz bugs in my Cattery (1 Reply)
- Why do these cats look different? (8 Replies)
- Script error in cats (1 Reply)
- Can't transfer kitties (2 Replies)
- Romanticat incorrectly identified in Manual (1 Reply)
- freind pat error (4 Replies)
- Kittycat doesn't jump home to sleep (2 Replies)
- No wrap around text or page sizing in forum (1 Reply)
- Add Tufted ears to the our cats - ears page (0 Replies)
- Notifications from this Forum (0 Replies)
- Duplicate cate message (1 Reply)
- Won't attach to interact (3 Replies)
- Food don't go in the bowl after buying (1 Reply)
- Forum bug? (1 Reply)
- Script Error (1 Reply)