07-18-2018, 11:23 PM
Hi I have filed three tickets, they just disappear. I have noticed several months that I try for the cat of the month. Just this month alone I have three really nice cats that should have gotten me on the list and nothing. like this one : ID: 08a9d070-e1f2-f84c-7e2a-38b875784664
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?b9d3b621-0324047-77650
2nd one : ID: b70a07d4-dbaa-e725-03e1-bd2d309e9072
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?84bd36d0-b325127-77700
3rdd one: ID: ad88116f-705b-7a8b-d188-27886e2a74a3
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?d9f59be6-a332545-77746.
These are examples, they should have made it on the list and yet my name is not on it. I have filed tickets and they just get deleted. Can you please check and see why I am not being including in the cat of the month? Thank you so much.
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?b9d3b621-0324047-77650
2nd one : ID: b70a07d4-dbaa-e725-03e1-bd2d309e9072
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?84bd36d0-b325127-77700
3rdd one: ID: ad88116f-705b-7a8b-d188-27886e2a74a3
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?d9f59be6-a332545-77746.
These are examples, they should have made it on the list and yet my name is not on it. I have filed tickets and they just get deleted. Can you please check and see why I am not being including in the cat of the month? Thank you so much.