I did the page simply for grins. But I'll take "Motivating one to breed their dream combination."
So, now, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
To answer your questions:
Can someone verify that American Shorthair - Tawny & White Tabby (Fur) is actually breedable and should appear on Saga's charts? Yes this is breedable found within the past month
Can someone verify that Foxie - Salt & Pepper Mask (Fur) is actually breedable and should appear on Saga's charts? Yes this is breedable found VERY recently as in the last 2 days
Can someone verify that Foxie (Ears) are actually breedable and should appear on Saga's charts? Yes this is breedable found within the past month
Fancie Purple Diamond is for Mysterious/Fancie eyes and not breedable at this time This is also breedable it came from the Fancie Purple Ocicat
(12-13-2012 12:57 AM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ]Fancie Purple Diamond is for Mysterious/Fancie eyes and not breedable at this time This is also breedable it came from the Fancie Purple Ocicat
OK. I'll add it back. There are NO images for breedable eyes for this one. The only image for the Pedigree/Cattery is for the Special parent's Mysterious/Fancie eye/pupils. So I'm not gonna rush ...
I noticed some combinations turn out different when I make them up in my mind and now I have an example I'm pretty positive this will have a big impact on how I breed/ plan my cats.
This is just so neat!
And extra cool I can do it on the couch on my IPad also
As I recall such tool is requested on the forums a great while ago as well.
Wow Tad great great great tool - well done!!
This makes the disappointment of not making my perfect kitty a bit more bearable now! lol
Is there any chance you can do a side picture version - so as to include the tails??
The Pedigree/Cattery images do not show tails. Doing so would cause the number of images needed to explode since they would need an image for each tail/ear/fur combination. As you can see from the number of missing images, they're already having problems keeping it fully up-to-date. Adding a few thousand more images would just be too much to ask. The only reasonable solution would be to automate the process. Even then, though, the disk space requirements would be huge.
I just want to chime in to send my thanks for a great tool! I've wanted something like this for a long time. And the images look so crisp! I hope you don't mind that I plugged it in a blog post to spread the info about this page?
(12-12-2012 09:41 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]Errors in Saga's Charts:
Fancie Purple Diamond is for Mysterious/Fancie eyes and not breedable at this time
Looking at that list ..
Can someone verify that American Shorthair - Tawny & White Tabby (Fur) is actually breedable and should appear on Saga's charts?
Can someone verify that Foxie - Salt & Pepper Mask (Fur) is actually breedable and should appear on Saga's charts?
Can someone verify that Foxie (Ears) are actually breedable and should appear on Saga's charts?
For these three questions: I ask because the sheer number of places where they are missing causes me to wonder.
But, perhaps all that is going on is that they're only putting up the images once someone has breed it and it needs to appear?
Rare Rubies and Precious Gold (both Eye Colors) were special collection eyes and I've removed them.
The fancie purple eyes are breedable, we're breeding with them currently. they're not in starters, but they are breedable. All of the fancies pass their eyes and they become breedable. Similar to the lucky eyes are now breedable.