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What with Valentine's Cats fast approaching, it's time for a round-up of new traits from fall and winter, and there are a lot of them.

Scottish Shorthair - Blue & White Discussed here
Siamese - Blue Tortie Discussed here
Toyger - Tawny Discussed here
Toyger - Coal Discussed here
Abyssinian - Salt & Pepper Discussed here

Galaxy Gator Discussed here
Serendipity Glow Discussed here
Serendipity Streams Discussed here
Serendipity Stare Discussed here

Whisker Color:
Butterscotch Tipped Black Discussed here

Odyssey Equine Discussed here
Special note on this trait - it does not yet display and all renderings will be broken, but the ear does exist.

There's a new tail too, but the Build-A doesn't show tails. If I've forgotten any, people please list them.
commit e24666d796c9d43a237f294e3e986323e9257a01 (HEAD -> master)
Date: Fri Feb 2 09:01:40 2018 -0600

Added fur: Abyssinian - Salt & Pepper
Added fur: Scottish Shorthair - Blue & White
Added fur: Siamese - Blue Tortie
Added fur: Toyger - Coal
Added fur: Toyger - Tawny
Added eye color: Galaxy Gator
Added eye color: Serendipity Glow
Added eye color: Serendipity Stare
Added eye color: Serendipity Streams
Added ear: Odyssey Equine
Added whisker color: Butterscotch Tipped Black
Charm just asked me to add a couple new traits: Toyger Snow, and Marble Magic.

Are there others I should add while I'm at it?
Fur: Toyger - Snow Discussed here

Eyes: Marble Magic Discussed here
commit 456571638649977ca4ec016247f528b3bc1e5efe
Date: Mon May 14 09:31:40 2018 -0500

Added fur: Toyger - Snow
Added eye color: Marble Magic
Does anyone know how to make the image of the cat bigger on the build-a-cat site? It seems small , stuffed away in the corner.
If I recall correctly, (I just checked, so I do ...)

- for a desktop (over 600px high or wide) the image is the natural size of 540x400
- for a mobile device (under 600px) the image is half that 270x200

I could make the image larger (by zooming) on larger screens but the quality would degrade. I did not want to make it too small on mobile devices because you'd lose too much detail. So on real small screens you may have to scroll a bit.

What I can't do is change the native size of the images. Those were set by KittyCats for the Cattery and Pedigree pages and cannot be changed.

I'm assuming you have a very large screen. My suggestion would be to set the zoom factor. The image will look bad, but it'll take up more screen real estate.
why my cat so small
Oh my God, thank you for this awesome work, I ve always wanted something like this to exist. ty ty ty ty ty!!! It works well in Safari!!!
(06-18-2018 03:40 PM)Ruriko Oanomochi Wrote: [ -> ]Oh my God, thank you for this awesome work, I ve always wanted something like this to exist. ty ty ty ty ty!!! It works well in Safari!!!

This has existed for 6 years Smile
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