Added fur: Tonkinese - Blue Mink
Added fur: Foxie - Cocoa Cream
Added fur: Tonkinese - Natural Mink
Added eye color: Exotic Journey
Added eye color: Double Odyssey Love
Added whisker shape: Snappy
Build a cat is amazing!!!! Thank you!
One more request:
Ear: Scotty Fold - <img src="../online/images/ears/Scotty Fold/American Shorthair - Brown & White Patch.png" style="width:inherit; position:absolute; left:0px; bottom:0px;"/>
Thanks in advance!
Changing hosting providers.
A few hours ago I migrated the site to a new hosting provider.
For the next day or so, I'll leave the site up at the old provider. (It must go away before 01AUG2015.) This will allow time for domain name servers to update to the new address, while maintaining access for everyone.
The domain name and web site do cost us real money. If you like the page and want to help out, send Charm some Kitty Food or pass one of us some Lindens (hey, what I get, Charm gets, so either of us will do
DNS appears to have updated. New servers working properly. I will be shutting down the old servers in about 36 hours at around 5PM TUE 28AUG2015 SLT (GMT-0700)
(07-26-2015 06:33 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]The domain name and web site do cost us real money. If you like the page and want to help out, send Charm some Kitty Food or pass one of us some Lindens (hey, what I get, Charm gets, so either of us will do
Thanks Tad for providing this valuable service to the KittyCats Community, Build-a-cat is where I always go to visualize my dream kitties...I had no idea you and Charm were providing this on your own dime for the domain and hosting. I will send her a donation after Payday this Friday...or earlier if I sell a cat
Added Paypal Donate button.
If you like the page and want to help defray the expenses, please donate.
My sincere thanks to those who have already helped. It is very gratifying to known others value the tool so highly they are willing to help Charm and I keep the site running.