Troubleshooting - Cats not eating / Sick cats
Is your KittyCat sick or not eating? Here are a few tips:
Hunger 모☁ should be a low %. It measures how hungry the cat is. Cats get sick when Hunger 모☁ reaches 100%.
- A cat at 5% hunger is not in danger of becoming sick, a cat at 95% hunger is!
Cats that are Sleeping ☪↯ can not eat. Cats can only eat while Awake ↯.
- You can wake any cat up when Energy ↯ is over 25%.
Sick cats will be lying under a blanket with a thermometer, or have a thermometer to the left of their picture.
Sick cats can be healed in 3 ways:
- 7 days of eating Kibble will heal a sick cat.
- The Get Well vitamin will heal a sick cat instantly. You can read more about Get Well here:
- Perma-Pet™ will heal a sick cat instantly. You can read more about Perma-Pet™ here:
If you have Kibble out and your cat has a high hunger or is sick then please check your Kibble bowl settings:
- If only feeding your cats then My Cats/Sim is a good setting.
- If using the Range setting make sure that the food bowl is within your cats range circle.
- If using Group, all your cats will eat the food and any cat not owned by you will need to be set to the same group as the kibble bowl to eat.
- You can read more about kibble bowl settings here:
After checking the Kibble bowl settings, please wait 45 minutes to see if hunger starts decreasing.
If your cat is functioning fine other than eating and the above things do not help, then please contact support.
If you need to know how to file a ticket, please see this article: