Feb 272023

WE are 12!!

please read below and please accept our gift, with a dozen huggs!!



Presenting the KittyCatS 12th Birthday
Commemorative  KittyCat!



Wow 12 years!!!

A Dozen years of so much together!

We LOVE this community and we thought this celebration would be fun with a cat covered in a dozen donuts!

Why? because most everyone loves donuts…. and they are fun, and come in so many colors and types, that someone has their favorites and memories associated with those favorites.. Just like our Kitties! :)

And we made baked up this kitty with a LOT of love and even some sprinkles and extra frosting! Because we all usually like frosting right?

It has been a fun, crazy and wild 12 years so far, hasn’t it been?

We have done so much together! From our daily chit chat, to raising money for various causes over the years, to creating fun Themed sims for all to enjoy… and more.

You are a fun and generous community and we celebrate with you today!

Happy 12th Birthday to all our KittyCatS family!

We look forward to many more awesome and crazy years with all of you!

Your KittyCatS Team

KittyCatS! Birthday Poster LG


KittyCatS! – 12th Birthday Kitty Fast Facts!


=  are the KittyCatS Birthday CatS! transferable? – no!
=  do they come with food? yes! they come with one week of DOUGHNUT food.
=  can I get more than one?  – they are one per AVATAR… :)
=  do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the Birthday traits do not pass on.  They are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat.

©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Feb 042023
Presenting the LOVE PARADE!
The 2023 LOVE Collection
From KittyCatS!
KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2023 Love Collection – LOVE PARADE!
We want to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit ALL YEAR!!!
This festive and fun collection is inspired by the Chinese New Year and features an array of cute and colorful Kitties, all dressed up in their finest couture attire!
Each cat comes with 2 hat choices, 2 ear textures AND the choice to use Rabbit OR Cat ears so you can customize them to your liking!
They also come with collectible Food, Fortune cookie Mouth food and special packaging for each Design!
Whether you’re a longtime fan of KittyCatS! or a new community member looking for a fun and unique way to carry that new year energy ALL YEAR LONG, the Love Parade Collection has the LOVE and good fortune to carry you through the year!
We LOVED creating this collection for YOU and poured every ounce of LOVE we had into it!
Let’s celebrate LIFE, LIVING and the year of the rabbit ALL year in this purrfect way!
Your KittyCatS! Team
KittyCatS! – LOVE PARADE! Facts!
= Are the KittyCatS LOVE PARADE! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop and one portable food (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one? – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them? – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the LOVE PARADE! cats are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 LOVE PARADE! kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!
©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved. All names, titles, and text ©KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.
Dec 112022


Presenting the KittyCatS Winter Collection 2022
WinterCornS! KittyCatS!


KittyCatS is proud to present our 2022 Winter Collection –
WinterCornS! collectible KittyCatS!

Burrrrr…It’s the time of year for snow and ice, which means it is the perfect time to curl up next to a fire with a warm drink and a story to read. Our kitties didn’t have any written stories to share this year, but they did work some magic just for you this year!

Donning magical unicorn horns, the WinterCornS! kitties have broken their icy outside to share with you some magical scenes that were hidden within them. We invite you to take a glimpse inside and make up your own stories to go along with the fun images the kitties have created.

Like all of our Winter Collection KIttyCatS, the WinterCornS! kitties come with a ridable SLEIGH for you AND your cat to ride around on. (in their interaction menu)

Your KittyCatS Team

KittyCatS! WinterCornS Ad


KittyCatS! – WinterCornS! Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS WinterCornS! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the WinterCornS! cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 WinterCornS! kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!


©2022 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Mar 182022

We have donated 4 Fairies to Benefit RFL. these fairies will be custom sized for the winner to be 400-500 cm!!

This is a super size and something we do on a very limited basis.

photos of cats here!

The RFL Home and Garden Auction info:

Date: Saturday, March 19th
Time: 12 Noon

KittyCatS! Supersize Kitties Up for Auction
(will be auctioned off as individually):

fOreSt faiRieS! –
Romantic Romp Boy
Romantic Romp Girl

fOreSt faiRieS! –
Midnight Mischief Boy
Midnight Mischief Girl

One of A Kind (400-500 meter)
super size packing will be included in the sale as a bonus item! (one per cat)

Breedable:  Yes but size does not transfer

Feb 262021
Thank you to Kathern LLewellyn who share this video that features our 10th bithday cats! It’s in Spanish but so fun to watch someone open the kitty and interact with it!
Go watch and give her a like and comment! the Kitties appear at 1:04:18
thank you to Novata and we hope your viewers love their new cats!! and we hope you do too!
Jun 042020

GUESS WHAT??? you can NOW get the floofy head!!

The floofy head is the head the Tiger! Tiger!  collection had, (photo attached)
it’s random like sizes and when you birth your cat the box will show a teal stripe on the top and bottom if your cat has the new head!!  ANY fur can now have this head!! we hope you enjoy this on your creations!

it is entirely random (like sizes) and can’t be bred for.
here is a photo attached

KittyCatS! Floofy Head

May 132020


Presenting the KittyCatS! CareKitty!
a gift from KittyCatS! & our friends at Firestorm


Hello Friends,

During this time when our entire world is going through something we’ve never been through, we are more connected than we ever realized. Our hearts and thoughts are continually with our world wide family, most of all to those who are suffering in some way.

We as a company have wondered if there is something we could do to help lighten the load. And one day, in March, the idea of creating a “CareKitty” came to mind. After carefully thinking through, we decided it was something we wanted to create for our beloved SL community.

Our friends at Firestorm jumped on board immediately to help us bring these little cats to you!

We put our heart and a lot of love into these little cats and hope they bring some happiness to your Second life.

With all the uncertainty, fears and instability, we hope that the CareKitty will provide some support, friendship, love and a sense of togetherness. After all, we are all in this together.

On behalf of all of us at KittyCatS! we send our deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones during this Pandemic, and to all who have suffered in anyway. It has touched us all, and we’re reminded how connected we all are.

Your new kitty will need no food, and will live forever. Should it ever get lost, we will replace it.

Additionally, we are including a coupon for a FREE pair of kittens which will grow to adults (in 7 days) and can give you a little kitten! We’re including this should you want to have the fun experience of watching your  little cats grow, “fall in love” and have a little cute kitten! The pair comes with 2 weeks worth of food too!

Please receive these gifts with all our love,

Your KittyCatS! Team



KittyCatS! CareKitty! Location


? Are the KittyCatS! CareKitty! cats transferable? No, they are a non-transferable PermaPet™.
They cannot be sold or traded. They can not breed, do not need food, and cannot get sick.
? Can I pick the gender? No, the gender will be random.
? Do they come with anything? Yes, each CareKitty! package contains one (1) KittyCatS! – Free Pair Kitty Coupon! (Rez & Click)

©2020 KittyCatS! All rights reserved.
All names, titles, and text ©KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Jun 202018

KittyCatS is celebrating Second Life’s 15th birthday with some FREE gifts for you that we hope you will love!

sl15b sim_003

sl15b sim_004

Visit our parcel at SL15B to get a free gift shoulder pet, a free decor statue, AND a free gift KittyCat that you can keep as a pet and watch grow!

15 amazing years! It’s hard to believe how much time has gone by! But you know the old saying…time flies when you’re having fun! And our time with you has been the most fun! We’ve shared a lot as a community and are thankful for the opportunity to share KittyCatS with you!

Enjoy your new babies! Happy Birthday!

Jun 262015

It’s Second Life’s 12th Birthday, and KittyCatS is thrilled to be a part of the celebration! To help commemorate this event, we’ve released not one, not two, but THREE special collectible SL12B KittyCatS that are our gift to YOU, the Second Life Community!

These special collectible KittyCatS are ONE (1) per avatar and are available for a limited time, so tell your friends, bring a few alts, and pick yours up today! You can grab them, plus a FREE special Birthday celebration hat at our SL12B display here or at our SL12B KittyCatS Birthday sim here!

While you’re at our Birthday sim, don’t forget to walk around and vote for your favorites in the SL12B Birthday Decoration Contest! There are 20 neat displays created by members of the KittyCatS community for you to choose from! And our Birthday sim was also chosen as an Editor’s Choice pick for the destination guide AND for the SL12b EVENTS section!! (please give the link a ‘Like’ if you can!)

KittyCatS Pirate Island Birthday Bash

Still want more to do? KittyCatS is also part of the SL12B Birthday Hunt. You can read all about the hunt here and you can start the hunt here!

Finally, we will have a KittyCatS SL12B Party on Saturday, 27th June at 2PM SLT at our SL12B Birthday Sim to celebrate 12 years of Second Life and our Avi Choice awards wins! We hope to see you all there! :)

Thanks for your support, and Happy Birthday Second Life!!!

Your KittyCatS Team :)