Mar 182022

We have donated 4 Fairies to Benefit RFL. these fairies will be custom sized for the winner to be 400-500 cm!!

This is a super size and something we do on a very limited basis.

photos of cats here!

The RFL Home and Garden Auction info:

Date: Saturday, March 19th
Time: 12 Noon

KittyCatS! Supersize Kitties Up for Auction
(will be auctioned off as individually):

fOreSt faiRieS! –
Romantic Romp Boy
Romantic Romp Girl

fOreSt faiRieS! –
Midnight Mischief Boy
Midnight Mischief Girl

One of A Kind (400-500 meter)
super size packing will be included in the sale as a bonus item! (one per cat)

Breedable:  Yes but size does not transfer

Sep 302011

KittyCatS! proudly presents…

Fancie Gem Collector Boxes

Hello all :)

We’re very happy to provide you a set of beautiful collector boxes to put your Fancie Jewels in. We hope you enjoy these and that they help keep your jewels all safe and sound while you collect them for your Fancie Cat.

Each box is hand carved in sterling silver and decorated with a diamond, emerald or ruby and will store your gems for you as you collect them.


Your KittyCatS Team

TP to Main Store Location

Below is how the collection boxes work

1. To add nearby jewels, place the jewels within 20 meter range, click the box and press “Add”.
2. To remove a jewel, click the box and press “Take Out”.
3. When the box is full of the amount of jewels needed the “add” button will be replaced with a “convert” button.
4. Pressing the “convert” button will make your full box dissapear and you will be given a Fancie Cat Box! (inventory offer).

Fast Facts:
1. where do i get my boxes? In the KittyCatS! main store lobby
2. how much are they? they are complimentary.
3. can i get all 3 or more than one? Yes you may.
4. how many prims are they? 3 prims.

©KittyCatS. All rights reserved.

Jul 252011

Since all of the current Jewels have been discovered, it’s time to reveal some more details about them! :)

There are 3 types of KittyCatS Jewels:

– Diamonds
– Rubies
– Emeralds

These KittyCatS Jewels are “gifted” to you by your KittyCatS randomly during the birth process. If you are given a Jewel, it will be rezzed above a newborn kitten box. The KittyCatS Jewels act as a type of currency for our special FancyCatS! You need to collect 10 Diamonds, 20 Rubies or 30 Emeralds to be able to get a FancyCat in exchange. More details about what these FancyCatS will look like to come later!

When you have enough Jewels of one type, you will be able to pick up an Jewel Exchange Box in the mainshop. All you will have to do is rez the Jewels besides it and the Jewel box will collect the needed amount and transform in a KittyCatS FancyCat!

Good luck in collecting your KittyCatS Jewels! :)

Your KittyCatS Team

©2011 KittyCatS!. All rights reserved. All information contained in this post is © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.