Apr 152011

We are proud to announce the addition of KittyCatS! jewelry and our first release of Collars for your KittyCatS!
They come in a wide array of colors and styles that will really enhance the look of your KittyCat.

And… because your KittyCatS! love you so much, they wanted us to add a special “gift” inside each box for YOU!
You will find in each box, a special matching bracelet (left and right applications) and your own “collar” so you can match your KittyCat when you hold them!

  2 Responses to “KittyCatS Collars!”

  1. Love the collars
    Wish they were copy tho, gets expensive when you have 100 kitties

  2. […] my recent laziness, I didn’t get to cover the announcement about the new KittyCatS collars. When I stopped by the store today, I took some time to observe the collar display. While I […]

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