Mar 102011

We’re happy to announce that our HUD is now available in the lobby of our main store for purchase!

  • Monitor all of your KittyCatS at once, up to 200 cats!
  • Direct link to the KittyCatS website!
  • TP your cats to you and send them home instantly!
  • Change information for ALL of your cats at once or individually!
  • Display your cats’ information in local chat from anywhere on the sim!
  • Two versions included: “colorful” and “monochrome”

You can also view the HUD features and instructions on how to use it in our main store!

It’s a really awesome tool to control all your KittyCatS! and we hope you enjoy it! :)

The KittyCatS Team

  2 Responses to “New at KittyCatS: The KittyCatS HUD!”

  1. […] have released their cat HUD in their in-game store for L$599. I admit, I balked a bit when I first saw the price. Especially […]

  2. Once I had more than 2 cats and started breeding I got the hud. As I have my cats free roaming around my entire place, it made me feel better knowing if I lost one (or it was hiding somewhere) I just had to click home on it in the hud and there it was. Makes it easier to keep track of where my pairs are at with their breeding as well. Im glad I purchased it.

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