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Full Version: ? Wednesday Auctions, 8 PM with Zev & Marissa @ FELINES ?
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1pm this Sunday will be my first auction at Felines!!! So excited! Come hang out with us for a fun auction.
Sunday, 24th May, 1 PM SLT with Zev in Auction at FelineS KittyCatS!
Visit ZevS Auction Page for the Whole Line Up! LetS give her a Heart warm Heart welcome to FelineS KittyCatS! See you at 1 PM SLT!
Teleport to ZevS Stage

[Image: e202630.png] [Image: 2202836.png] [Image: 7204977.png] [Image: 9196929.png] [Image: f205939.png] [Image: 2203962.png]

? A P ? - ?Raffle Kitteh? - ?Panel 1? - ?Panel 2? - ?Panel 3? - ?Panel 4?

[Image: d203765.png] [Image: 6183319.png] [Image: 1205667.png] [Image: c205607.png] [Image: 9203271.png] [Image: 1204532.png]

?Panel 5? - ?Panel 6? - ?Panel 7? - ?Panel 8? - ?Panel 9? - ?Panel 10?

Have you seen today's lineup? If you're not at this auction, you're missing out!!! CHIC tail, SCOTTY FOLD, FLAME FUSSY, and absolutely gorgeous combinations of traits from our amazing breeders. The sneak peek is in the post above, or come check the kitties out in person:

Auction time in 15 minutes!
I just want to say a big "THANK YOU" to those that attended my first auction at Felines! Thank you for coming and for bringing such wonderful kitties.
Partial lineup update
Sunday, 31st May, 1 PM SLT with Zev in Auction at FelineS KittyCatS!
Visit ZevS Auction Page for the Whole Line Up! See you at 1 PM SLT!
Teleport to ZevS Stage

[Image: b206002.png] [Image: b173537.png] [Image: 8205287.png] [Image: 7206517.png] [Image: f206833.png] [Image: 8206660.png]

? A P ? - ?Raffle Kitteh? - ?Panel 1? - ?Panel 2? - ?Panel 3? - ?Panel 4?

[Image: a206546.png] [Image: 6206314.png] [Image: 5205783.png] [Image: c205075.png] [Image: 7205743.png] [Image: b192873.png]

?Panel 5? - ?Panel 6? - ?Panel 7? - ?Panel 8? - ?Panel 9? - ?Panel 10?

Auction in one hour and 30 minutes!
Fully updated lineup for today, 5.31.15
Auction in 45 minutes! See the updated lineup above! Can't wait to see you all there. Smile
Next auction on Sunday, June 28th. Lineup to come soon!
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