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Full Version: ? Wednesday Auctions, 8 PM with Zev & Marissa @ FELINES ?
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Auction starting in 10 minutes! Be there or be square!
3 panels left for Sunday's auction @ 3pm! Get 'em while they're hot.
Updated post!!! More updates to come.
UPDATED LINEUP! Teacups, a Mega, Starry Baby Blues, Swanky whiskers, Dreamy whiskers, oh my! Come hang out with us at 3pm!
Auction starting shortly!!! Come see all the kittehs!!
One panel available for tomorrow's 3pm auction. Get it while it's hot!!!

Updated lineup for the auction today at 3pm! Super cute kitties, great deals. Come hang out with us - hope to see you there.

Auction time in 25 minutes! There's only 8 panels to sort through today - should be a fairly quick auction. Gorgeous kitties, great opening bids, come hang out with us!
BUMP for updated auction time and location! Zevy's auctions are now being held at 1pm at Julia's amazing Felines sim!! Please bear with me as we update the website, etc. Please note, the rules at my auctions have changed. Rules notecard to come soon - they will be on the website as well.

Panels are available for purchase and there is a waiting list board already out, as the panels for the 5.24.15 auction are full. Be sure to slap the board and get on the list for the next auction!!

Heart Zev
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