4 Panels left for Sunday's auction. People haven't put kitties out quite yet - lineup to come soon.
Auction in 30 minutes!! See above post for lm. Hope to see you there!!!
Panels available for the auction this Sunday, 4.26.15. Come grab one!
Partially updated lineup. Bump.
Updated lineup. There's still 3 panels left - come grab one for tomorrow at 3pm!! We have two MEGA'S up for bid, a PETITE as the raffle kitty, and some really great hiddens behind already adorable traits. Come have fun with us tomorrow!!!
Yay!! It's auction day! See the lineup and location in the first post. Come hang out with me for an hour and bid on these gorgeous kitties!
Onyx eyes hiding Dry Olive in the house!!! Great lineup for today!!! Don't miss out.

Oh my! We'll have an Ice Baby - Canary Cloud in the auction today!!!