Dec 182023

Presenting the KittyCatS Winter Collection 2023
UgLy sWeaTeR PartY! KittyCatS!


KittyCatS is proud to present our 2023 Winter Collection –
UgLy sWeaTeR PartY! collectible KittyCatS!

You are cordially invited to the best ever and cutest UGLY SWEATER PARTY!!!

And your cats are here to inspire you!

We absolutely LOVED knitting these sweaters for the kitties. And they were like.. “wait! we know we are adorable, and all, and we’d LOVE to add some Ugly Fun to our sweaters!”

Well this was our best attempt…

As you will see… we sorta failed in making them “ugly” and they reminded us of that fact!

We hope you enjoy this collection as much as we LOVED making it for you.

Each kitty comes with some decor you can choose for them for their “ugly sweaters!”

Lights or no lights? Fish patches or candy canes? or… their own unique patches! Oh and they also have a ‘party whisker” option to really dress them UP for the “Ugly Sweater Party!”

Life and Kitties are beautiful! Even when they are “ugly!”

We hope you LOVE these kitties and have fun customizing yours!

and, of course, like all of our Winter Collection KIttyCatS, these adorable felines come with a ridable SLEIGH for you AND your cat to ride around on. (in their interaction menu)

Your KittyCatS Team

KittyCatS! Ugly Sweater Party! Ad copy

KittyCatS! – UgLy sWeaTeR PartY! Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS UgLy sWeaTeR PartY! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the UgLy sWeaTeR PartY! cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 UgLy sWeaTeR PartY! kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!


©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved. All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.
Oct 212023

In case you missed it…

– Darling DragonS, ScarecrowS 2 & Dragon BlooperS Collection kitties are out!!!

– Scarecrow hats for all your kitties now for sale!

– Free gifts @ KittyCatS Store! 2 FREE broom pets hidden in corn cobs & 1 FREE hat hidden somewhere IN the store! KittyCatS! Store

– KittyCatS @ Haunted Nightmare Event! 1 FREE gift hidden in a happy pumpkin at the event & Dragon Megapuss rezzer so you can ride around the event in style lol: KittyCatS! @ The Haunted Nightmare Event (WARNING: Flashing lights used at event)

Oct 192023

We are participating in the Haunted Nightmare event!

We made a free gift hidden in a smiling pumpkin!

This event is FULL of pumpkins with gifts and the caverns and caves are so cool!

There will be a Mega rezzer coming too in the next few days so you can explore on a mega dragon ! lol but for now here is the URL!

KittyCatS! @ The Haunted Nightmare Event

Oct 182023


Presenting the KittyCatS Fall Collection 2023
Darling DragonS KittyCatS!


KittyCatS is proud to present our 2023 Fall Collection –
Darling DragonS collectible KittyCatS!

With the arrival of the Darling DragonS! we wish you a wonderful FALL!

We were thrilled to create these magical creatures and of course as always, the cats directed our every step!

We loved seeing them come to life and so hope they find a place in your heart too!

Like all of our Fall Collection KIttyCatS, these magical felines come with a special interaction in their menu to allow you fly through the sky on a magical broom with your kitty!



…and there are some bloopers too!!!



KittyCatS Store

KittyCatS @ Callifornia


KittyCatS! – Darling DragonS Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS Darling DragonS cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the Darling DragonS cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 Darling DragonS kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!

©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Oct 172023


Presenting the KittyCatS Fall Collection 2023
ScareCrowS! 2 KittyCatS!


KittyCatS is proud to present our 2023 Fall Collection –
ScareCrowS! 2 collectible KittyCatS!

Crafted with burlap, hay, old buttons, fabric scraps, and a whole lot of love, our new fall kitties are here!

You’ve been asking for more ScareCrowS for quite some time, and this year,
the timing felt just right.

As always, we take our cues from our beloved feline companions,
and we’ve poured our affection into every stitch, in the hopes of bringing a smile to your face.

Like all the KittyCatS in our Fall Collection,
these special kitties feature a unique interaction in their menu that lets you take a
whimsical broomstick ride through the skies alongside your furry friend.

And that’s not all – each of these kitties comes with a
fun “mouth food” and two charming hat options.

Join us this fall as we celebrate these delightful ScareCrowS!

We hope they add a touch of warmth and whimsy to your autumn season and of course, all year long!

Love, and Whiskers,

Callie, KittyCatS & team KittyCatS!



KittyCatS! – ScareCrowS! 2 Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS ScareCrowS! 2 cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the ScareCrowS! 2 cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 ScareCrowS! 2 kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!


KittyCatS Store

KittyCatS @ Callifornia

©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Sep 242023


At the event there are vendors that will give any random size (except Megapuss), including normal size & there is a set that sells MEGAPUSS EXCLUSIVELY and all proceeds go to the fair to benefit “STRIDES”, which is part of ACS.

We have also donated a few gift cards to the raffles to support ACS!

Lastly, there’s a hunt gift hidden in a “stag” statue on the parcel. It costs 25L$ & is to support ACS as well!

While you are there, don’t forget to stop and have a seat at our little photo area & snap a photo of you with the King & Queen kitties! lol :)


Presenting the KittyCatS Renaissance Festival 2023
RomantiCat RoyalS!


KittyCatS is proud to present our 2023 Renaissance Festival –
RomantiCat RoyalS collectible KittyCatS!

We’re excited to introduce you to this pair of little RoyalS, a King & Queen,  “waiting” to love YOU!!!

After we released the RomanticatS! 2, we were invited to participate in the Renaissance Festival…

We decided to make a “Royal” Pair of RomantiCatS! inspired by the collection!

As we re-imagination of our beloved RomantiCatS collection, which were Inspired by some of the greatest love stories ever told… ya know… Romeo and Juliet and all those dorky, devoted, dizzy, drunk lovers…, we realized that the Knights & Ladies were missing a King & Queen! These fairy tale RoyalS are full of chivalry and dressed in their best. Whether you are a first time collector or a long time one, these adorable kitties will be a great addition to your home.

We hope these RoyalS will win over your hearts as much as they did ours.

Your KittyCatS Team



KittyCatS! – RomantiCat RoyalS Facts!


? Are the KittyCatS RomantiCat RoyalS cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
? Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
? Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
? Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
? Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the RomantiCat RoyalS cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat.
? Can they breed something special? – not this time! You just get to enjoy them!


KittyCatS! @ SL Renaissance Festival

©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Jul 242023


Presenting the KittyCatS! Summer Collection 2023
RomantiCatS! 2 KittyCatS!


KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2023 Summer Collection –
RomantiCatS! 2 collectible KittyCatS!

We’re excited to introduce you to this collection of little Knights and Ladies, all “waiting” to love YOU!!!

A re-imagination of our beloved RomantiCatS! collection, which was Inspired by some of the greatest love stories ever told… ya know… Romeo and Juliet and all those dorky, devoted, dizzy, drunk lovers…, these Fairy Tale Knights & Ladies are full of chivalry and dressed in their best. Whether you are a first time collector or a long time one, these adorable kitties will be a great addition to your home.

They come with 2 helmet choices for the boys and both boys and girls have a “cape on or off” options AND the girls can wear one of 3 hair wreaths! :)

Their packaging can also be a cute little bed for them!

We really LOVED making these for you and hope these Knights and Ladies win over your hearts as much as they did ours.

Your KittyCatS! Team



KittyCatS! – RomantiCatS! 2 Facts!


* Are the KittyCatS! RomantiCatS! 2 cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
* Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
* Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
* Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
* Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the RomantiCatS! 2 cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
* Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 RomantiCatS! 2 kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!


KittyCatS Store

KittyCatS @ Callifornia

©2023 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.