Jan 232025

hi all,

we found a glitch in the winter collection which affected a surprise we had for you, which we were waiting for you to find!

now we know why you didn’t

and this note explains it all!




Hello everyone!

We want to let you know about an issue we recently discovered — and the exciting news that comes with it!

A glitch unknown to us delayed the release of the new head shape “traits” that many of you have been eagerly waiting for.

We noticed no one had announced getting a new head shape, we began to wonder… and due to randomness, we thought “well it’s taking longer than we thought!”

And, while we do not guarantee any new traits with collection releases, it’s been a tradition we LOVE and look forward to,
and except for a few times where we had none, we have always tucked in some little surprises.

And, this time, we had planned the new head shapes as a fun surprise for you all!

So, we did a bit of digging and found out that there was a glitch that prevented this from happening.

While this was not what we intended, we’ve worked quickly to resolve the problem, and here’s what we came up with!

We are excited!!!




1. ALL cats on the grid will be able to have a new head shape randomly when bred, this will work similar to sizes. (randomly)

2. Any 2 cats from the 2025 Winter Collection which are bred together will be GUARANTEED one of the NEW HEAD SHAPES on their FIRST breeding.

3. If you have already had a special baby, the GUARANTEED head shape, will be born on the next breeding. It WILL have either the Chubby, Dreamy or Lemon head.

4. If you have NOT gotten your Special Baby, you WILL get the one of the 3 newest head shapes first on the cat you breed.

5. If you breed only ONE collection cat with another cat, your chances will be HIGHER than normal cats for the duration of their breeding time.

We sincerely apologize, we were really bummed to learn this BUT… happy we looked into it, and found a way to make it better even if it’s not YOU telling US what you find!!

And, We are super excited to see a bunch of cute looking kitties with their new head shapes, so please show us all!!!

If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is here to help.

Thank you for being such an amazing part of our community.


Oct 122024

The following traits are now retired!

This means they can no longer be a hidden trait in any new starter / collection cats.

Any cats that already have the trait can still pass it onto their offspring, so you can still enjoy using them in your breeding projects!



American Shorthair – Tawny Tabby
Cheetah! – Lime No. 2
Chimera – Spotted Flame
European Shorthair – Grey & White No. 1
Russian – Blue
Toyger – Tan



Double Odyssey Love
Dreamy Hideaway
FlowerChild Lucy



Odyssey Equine
Pixie Odyssey Fold No. 1


Whisker Color:

Chocolate Tipped
Green Tipped White


Oct 142022

these have been retired… and the starters are updated too.

Tonkinese – Blue Mink Tortie
Foxie – Cocoa Cream
Tiger! – Dusky Blue
Chateau Cat – Tawny & White No.1

FlowerChild Groovy
Odyssey Sublime
Serendipity Stare
Galaxy Star

Odyssey Rounded Fold

Blonde Streaked

Dec 222021


we’re hard at work on a new  fun thing & had hoped to have it out to you by now.. it’s taking bit longer due to the “newness” BUT,  we think you will love it… WE DO SO MUCH!!!

the BIG winter collection will come out AFTER Christmas. we wanted to take extra time for “finishing touches”  :)

with the other new things coming before Christmas, we think you wont miss it at all.. plus the cats informed us, winter starts DEC 21. lol. brats!

Kittycats! Cheetah! - Maltese Black Chinchilla

Sep 052020
Presenting the KittyCatS! Fun Collection 2020
“Cheetah! Cheetah!”
KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2020 Fun Collection –
“Cheetah Cheetah” collectible KittyCatS!
We are super excited to bring you this fun collection. In a world of imagination these kitties were brought to life and are full of hidden goodies that you all have been asking about, for quite some time. What will it be?????
Some more colored furs! ? The kitties told us “Now is the time for more colors to brighten everyone’s lives!!!”
This is our second collection where you can BREED special colored furs!!! Which colors will they be????
A little guessing, a LOT of color and a LOT of Fun to celebrate the end of Summer and color to take us through to infinity and beyond!!!
We’re really excited and hope you are too!!!
Your KittyCatS! Team
get them here!!
KittyCatS! – “Cheetah! Cheetah!” Facts!
? are the KittyCatS “Cheetah! Cheetah!” cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
? do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food (these items are not transferable)
? can I buy more than one? – yes!
? can I sell or trade them? – yes!
? do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? – the “Cheetah! Cheetah!” collection are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass. They will not pass their exact shown fur/trait combinations, however they could pass a specially created colored cheetah fur.
? can they breed something special? – The “Cheetah! Cheetah!” cats will not breed a special baby, however they could randomly pass the specially created colored cheetah fur as mentioned above.
©2020 KittyCatS! all rights reserved. All names, titles, and text ©KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.


Jun 042020

GUESS WHAT??? you can NOW get the floofy head!!

The floofy head is the head the Tiger! Tiger!  collection had, (photo attached)
it’s random like sizes and when you birth your cat the box will show a teal stripe on the top and bottom if your cat has the new head!!  ANY fur can now have this head!! we hope you enjoy this on your creations!

it is entirely random (like sizes) and can’t be bred for.
here is a photo attached

KittyCatS! Floofy Head

Sep 182017

You’re invited to join us and show us your beautiful creations!

Our first theme is “The ABC’s of KittyCatS!” This means participants can showcase breeds beginning with A, B, or C. Show us your best American Shorthairs, Abyssinans, Burmese, Balinese, Chateaus, etc.! And yes, this means Confettis too!

We’re thrilled about the possibility of this becoming a regular event, and September marks our kick-off! September means the end of summer, the beginning of fall, and…back to school!

If this sounds like something fun that you’d like to be a part of, please contact Kitten Longmeadow via notecard by September 20, and be sure to include your avatar name! Space is limited to the first 15 entrants so send your notecard in ASAP!

Set-up for this event will run from September 21-23. Judging will take place from September 24-26. Winners will be announced September 27. All displays will remain up for public view until September 30.

Judging will be conducted by a judges panel. Each participant will receive an award based on criteria such as “Best In Show”, “Most Creative Display”, “Most Unique”, “Most Interesting Trait Combination”, etc. We’re really excited about this first show and can’t wait to see what you’ve created!

This month’s theme is “ABC’s of KittyCatS” – only show cat breeds beginning with A, B, or C
(for a list of our cat breeds see here:
– One table per person
– Only one (1) KittyCatS allowed per person (no multiple entries using alts)
– PG content
– Limit of 15 prims for your display
– Keep your displays within the parameters of the display base
– Normal sized cats only for this contest only please!