Apr 142022

HELLO! as promised… a new Angel Couture Set for spring!

We will have these out for a limited time! at least 2 weeks, BUT NOT longer than 4. :) they can go on ANY cat… they can be used as a set or separately!

We hope you like turning some of your cats into Spring Angels!
they are Marked “2022” on the wings! g

Get them at each Collection Cat – in a heart with wings vendor

Apr 122022


Presenting the KittyCatS! spring Collection 2022
Painted PansieS! SwitcherS! KittyCatS!


KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2022 Spring Collection –
Painted PansieS! SwitcherS! collectible KittyCatS!

Spring has sprung and the kitties are so excited to go play in the flowers that have started to bloom.

While frolicking in the flowers they came across one of our old collections, the Painted PansieS! They reminded us just how colorful and fun the collection was and even convinced us to release them again in a special way…Painted PansieS SwitcherS!

Our SwitcherS! collections have been one of our most popular types of collections because each person gets a unique kitty and we have NEVER had 2 of the same cats born! There are literally billions of possibilities on what your cat will look like and it’s become somewhat of a fun event to SEE combination will be given!

These floral switchers feature parts from all the Painted PansieS! from the 2017 spring collection! Just like our past switchers, these cats have an unbelievable amount of combinations possible!!! With the number of furs, whiskers, tails, ears and eye combinations possible you have a very good chance of getting your very own, unique collectible spring kitty!

We hope you enjoy revisiting this old collection as much as we do!

Get them here!

Paited pansies switchers


KittyCatS! – Painted PansieS! SwitcherS! Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS! Painted PansieS! SwitcherS! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the  Painted PansieS! SwitcherS!  are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding, And may carry the eye trait unique to the spring collection. (shown on the Fun flowers)
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 Painted PansieS SwitcherS! kitties they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!

©2022 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Apr 122022


Presenting the KittyCatS! Spring Collection 2022
“Spring OutTakeS!” KittyCatS!


KittyCatS is proud to present our 2022 Spring Collection –
Spring OutTakeS collectible KittyCatS!

With spring here, flowers have started to bloom and birds have began to sing. Taking in the beauty of the season we were reminded of some of our past Spring collections and decided to open our vaults and put out share of the colors that didn’t get in the first round! Because, as you know, Callie makes so many different colors and designs, they all don’t end up in the final collection release!

So, after looking, we have found a few different designs from three of our past spring collections!

We think this is perfect to begin their collecting and for original collectors to add to their collections with cats which have NEVER BEEN SEEN!

This collection features 2 new bLOOmS & biRDieS! (one bloom and one birdie), 1 fUn fLoWer and last but not least a brand new Wild FlowerS! kitty!

We have really enjoyed digging into our vault to bring out some of the “outtakes” that for one reason or another, weren’t included the first time around!


Your KittyCatS! Team

Spring OutTakes


KittyCatS! – Spring OutTakeS Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS! Spring OutTakeS cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the  Spring OutTakeS  are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding. Additionally, they can carry the genes of the new eye shown on the Fun Flower!
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 Spring OutTakeS kitties they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!

©2022 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Feb 132022


Presenting the KittyCatS! “Cool” Love Collection 2022
fOreSt faiRieS!  KittyCatS!


KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2022 “Cool” Love Collection –
fOreSt faiRieS! collectible KittyCatS!

Our Winter Kitties, as you know took their time coming to you… Why, they fell in LOVE on their journey!! (see how we did that?)

Come follow them into the woods and step into a world of fantasy & flowers & hearts & mushrooms, where there is warmer weather year around, even in winter!

Their world is full of magic, joy and fairy circles galore!

Shhhh…Do you hear that singing and laughter?

What is that over there dancing in a ring of mushrooms….

it is none other than a Forest Fairy Kitty!

These adorable enchanted felines are dressed in playful colors and designs, complete with mesmerizing wing and adorable hats!

Each girl comes with 2 flower hat choices and boys come with acorn and leather hat options.

They also have fun collectible MUSHROOM food and a fun portable Leaf mouth food!

We hope you LOVE these little fairies as much as we do.

We had lots of fun creating them and hope that you share the magical love with friends, family and those you love!

Like all of our Love Collection KIttyCatS!, these lovable fairies include a special animation in their menu, where they will rez a blanket with special poses so you can enjoy them with a friend or loved one.

And Like all Winter Collection KIttyCatS!, they also include a fun ridable sled for you and your Kitty…

Enjoy the Magic!

Your KittyCatS! Team

Forest Fairies 'Cool' Love Collection 2022


KittyCatS! – fOreSt faiRieS! Facts!


? Are the KittyCatS fOreSt faiRieS! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
? Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week collectible mushroom food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop and one portable collectible leaf “mouth” food  (these items are not transferable)
? Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
? Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
? Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the  fOreSt faiRieS! are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
? Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 fOreSt faiRieS! kitties they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!


KittyCatS! Cool Love Collection

KittyCatS! Cool Love Collection So caL

©2022 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Dec 242021

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Happy Holidays from KittyCatS!

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As a way to wish the SL community a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, we’ve created this special pair of collectible KittyCatS just for you!

We are pretty sure that all of our wonderful community is on the Nice list, but the kitties want to make sure, so Santa Daddy and Santa Momma are here to visit everyone!

Everyone can pick up the free pair of Santa Kitties and if you breed the pair together they will produce a special offspring that you will not want to miss!

We hope these Santa themed kitties bring joy and magic to your home this holiday season!


Your KittyCatS Team

KittyCatS! Santa Babies Ad

KittyCatS! Store

Winter Magic Sim

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Here are some Fast Facts on the KittyCatS product. If you have additional questions, please check our online manual at You can also visit our Support Center at

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KittyCatS are an interactive, multi-faceted breedable pet full of wonder and charm! KittyCatS were designed to appeal to a wide range of customers. From the single pet owner, to those that enjoy breeding to those who love interaction and discovery and to all those in-between!

We like to refer to KittyCatS as “Pets that can breed” rather than a “breedable” as they do much more than breed! KittyCatS feature elements of discovery, realism, mystery and wonder so that you will have a rich and rewarding experience with them and discover more and more about them as time goes on.

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– KittyCatS are 13 prims without a collar. Collars, hats, glasses and vests add 1 prim each.
– KittyCatS are low lag and feature very low script time.
– You can cuddle and play with your KittyCatS!
– KittyCatS can be set to breed or not – it’s your choice!
– KittyCatS make great pets!
– Starter KittyCatS come in one of five (5) random coat types and are no-transfer.
– From the five starter cats, you can discover over 50 different furs, over 3 dozen eyes, and a multitude of other traits!
– Offspring of starter KittyCatS are transferable! Give them to friends as gifts, or create your own pet shop and sell them!
– KittyCatS can be made into permanent pets that never need food and don’t breed.

For more information on caring for your KittyCatS, please visit our manual at:

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©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Dec 222021


Presenting the KittyCatS! Create A Collection
Angel Babies KittyCatS!


KittyCatS! is proud to present a new way to build a Collection!

Often Callie will choose some furs to feature in a collection.. and this year, we had the idea, what IF we provided some parts, and allowed the customer to use their own cats and create their OWN unique collection???

And so Angel Babies were born!

This is how it works!

We have 6 different sets of colored wings, halos and collars. You can collect by the set/color you like.. and when you have your set, you can mix and match the collars and wings, and halos OR use them as they are!

By choosing perhaps a fur you have worked hard in breeding OR a cat your friend has bred OR if you’ve been eyeing some lines others in the community have bred, OR even past collections…. YOU can choose HOW you want to make YOUR own ANGEL BABIES!

What we LOVE about this idea is… the special baby IS STILL POSSIBLE!!

How? The secret is in the wings!

When you breed 2 cats with wings, the first time they breed you WILL get a special Angel Baby!!  If you are breeding collection cats who have a special baby, the cats will have the Angel Baby first, then their special baby after.  If you wanted a special baby to have wing, that’s ok! You would just put them on after it was born!

You can also buy some wings to put on cats we have NOT made yet!

Let’s fill the earth with Angel Kitties and YOU make!

We are so excited about this, and can’t wait to see the Angels you create!

Also, the Angel wings/halo/collar set will be sold for a limited time and not ever be available again. Just like our other collections!

Thank you for reading and we hope you LOVE making Angels, as much as we have enjoyed creating these for you and hope you enjoy each of your unique kitties as much as we do!

Your KittyCatS! Team


KittyCatS! –  Angel BabieS! Facts!


= Are KittyCatS!Cats with the Angel BabieS! collectible costume applied transferable? – yes! (unless they are a No-Transfer Starter Cat.)
= Can an Angel BabieS! kitty breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2, the first birth by the pair will give you a special Angel Baby.
= Does my cat need to have all 3 Angel items on to have a special baby? – No, It can just have the Wings. The wings are where the “magic” happens! :) It doesn’t =ot need to show the wings.
= Can I breed an Angel Babies pair if they have had kitties before they were turned into Angels? – YES!!! in fact, if you put on the Angel costume on cats that are ready to breed, they will have the special baby right away!
= Can I buy more than one set?  – yes, you can buy as many as you want while we have them on sale!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – they are no transfer. You can “give” them only if they are on a cat which you have made an “Angel Kitty”.
= Can I apply multiple sets of Costumes to my cat? – YES, BUT… it will only have ONE special baby, even if you put on many sets of wings.

©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Oct 202021


Presenting the KittyCatS! Fall Collection 2021
sOuL switCheRs dOs!  KittyCatS!


KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2021 Fall Collection –
sOuL switCheRs dOs! collectible KittyCatS!

As we celebrate 10 amazing years one collection was unique in that it was like getting your own custom cat.

The “sOuL switCheRs!” were so much fun, and the excitement of seeing which NUMBER out of 2.3 MILLION POSSIBILITIES was so much we decided to do a Sequel!

Based on the Dia De Los Muertos, (day of the dead) tradition, we have recreated this fun and unique collection. Unlike their darker counter parts, the  sOuL switCheRs dOs! are more akin to sugar skulls with their stunning color palette on white. Like the “sOuL switCheRs!” every cat is likely to be entirely unique and one of a kind!

Did you miss the first “sOuL switCheRs!”? Well let us explain how each cat can be one of a kind!

Each gender has 2,343,750 possible trait combinations!!! How can that be??

Art was created for the heads, ears, legs, tails, whisker and eyes, and when you “switch” it all up… you get the chance, a very good chance (one in 2.3 million) of getting a one of a kind collectible cat!!!

Some of you may want to go for getting the same head/body combos, then you’d have 25 possible combinations… some of you may want the same body/tail combos… same thing! have it YOUR way!!

Like all of our Fall Collection KIttyCatS, these fantastic phantoms come with a special interaction in their menu to allow you fly through the sky on a magical broom with your KittyCat!

We have enjoyed creating these for you and hope you enjoy each of your unique kitties as much as we do!

Your KittyCatS! Team



KittyCatS! –  sOuL switCheRs dOs! Facts!


= Are the KittyCatS!  sOuL switCheRs dOs! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
= Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
= Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
= Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
= Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the   sOuL switCheRs dOs!  are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
= Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2  sOuL switCheRs dOs! kitties they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!

KittyCatS! Store

KittyCatS! @ So CaL

©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Oct 202021

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Presenting the KittyCatS! Fall 2021
Collection MonSter MaSherS!

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KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2021 Fall Collection –  MonSter MaSherS!

We know that many of you really loved the original MonSter MaSh KittyCatS! and in celebration of our 10th anniversary we are bringing back one of the most Beloved Fall Collections ever! We are thrilled to bring you these SUPER SCARY, playful and fun little MonSterS!

(Okay, maybe not SUPER scary…They’re truly quite a lovable bunch of cats with a Burtonesque twist!)

They might give you a little fright at first, but they are quite lovable AND very customizable!

As with the previous MonSter MaSh KittyCatS!, this new collection of not-so-scary MonSterS come with 4 customizable accessories AND also have “ear horns.” The head attachments consist of 2 antennas, one blinking eye, and one large center horn. These are found in their “closet” on the menu.  Additionally, for the first time, you will have the ability to choose from 2 textures for their “ear horns” and you can also choose one of each! (Stripe or Solid) The new texture options, plus the 4 head attachments will give you many different ways to customize your little MonSter friends!

Also, like all of our Fall collections, each cat includes, in its interaction menu, a ridable broom for you and your cat to fly on!

We hope you enjoy these delightfully frightening MonSter MaSherS! as much as we did creating them!

Your KittyCatS! Team


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KittyCatS – MonSter MaSherS! Facts!

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? are the KittyCatS! MonSter MaSherS cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
? do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
? do they come with the accessories? – yes, they will be born with a randomly chosen “hat”  and have the others in their “closet”.
? can I buy more than one?  – yes!
? can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
? do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the MonSter MaSherS! KittyCatS! are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCatS! traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding. They also may contain the new “Razzle Dazzle” shade as a trait!
? can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 MonSter MaSherS! kitties they will give you a ONE OF 3 really lovely special babies! The special babies will be one of 3 which have a rare and a ultra rare possibility! All 3 babies are adorable!

KittyCatS! Store

KittyCatS! @ So CaL

©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text ©KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Mar 142021


Presenting the “LuCkY sWiTcH!” St. Partrick’s Day 2021 KittyCatS! Collectibles



Many of our cats wanted a chance to catch a leprechaun and get a few wishes, so they tagged along on our trip to the Emerald Isles. While we all were distracted by what was at the end of the rainbow, it appears that one of our sOuL switCheRs! kitties caught their very own leprechaun!

If you were a cat with three wishes, what would you wish for? Well, the sOuL switCheRs! kitty refused to tell us what sort of wishes it made…What could the wishes have been? We could see a pot of gold and some catnip, but what was the last wish???

It wasn’t long before we found out the last wish was for some new friends!!! Of course the leprechaun had one final trick to play, so instead of more friends just like the sOuL switCheR we have been graced with LuCKY sWiTcH kitties!!!

These St. Patrick’s Day switchers feature parts from all our past St. Patrick’s Day surprise births! Just like the sOuL switheRs, these cats have an unbelievable amount of combinations possible!!! While each cat is guaranteed to have 1 part from each of the 5 surprise birth cats, there are also 5 whisker and 5 eyes, so you have a very good chance of getting your very own, one of a kind collectible St. Patrick’s Day kitty!

As we celebrate 10 amazing years we hope you enjoy this fun look at our past!

May you find luck at the end of your rainbow!


Your KittyCatS! Team


KittyCatS! – LuCkY sWiTcH! Fast Facts!


? Are the KittyCatS LuCkY sWiTcH! transferable? – Yes, after you rez them!
? Can I buy more than one?  – Yes!
? Can I sell or trade them?  – Yes!
? Do they come with food? Yes! They come with two weeks of food, one 5% love vitamin, one love drop, and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
? Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -The LuCkY sWiTcH! are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
? Can they breed something special? – Yes! If you breed 2 LuCkY sWiTcH! kitties together they will give you a really cool special baby you will NOT want to miss! you REALLY won’t :)
Get them here: KittyCatS! Store

©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Mar 142021


Presenting the “LepreCatS! 2.0” St. Partrick’s Day 2021 Collectible Cats!



The cats bugged us and bugged us, so we finally revisited Ireland!
After a long search and some Leprechaun tricks we found the end of the rainbow!

What do you think we found at the end? Was it a pot of gold? More leprechaun tricks? Clouds? No, we found something that was so magical it transcends pure nostalgia!

LepreCatS! 2.0!!!

These were our very first St. Patrick’s Day Collection kitties and they have returned with a new look and even more charm than before! They are sure to make your other cats green with envy! Perhaps they will even bring you and your kitties some good luck, we just hope they didn’t pick up any tricks from the leprechauns!

The LepreCatS! 2.0 feature two coat styles (for boys or girls).
Each LepreCatS! 2.0 also comes complete with a beautiful jewel collar!

??? Do you have the Luck o’ the Irish? ???

Our LepreCatS! 2.0 have a special surprise in store for you if you’re lucky!

Every pair of LepreCatS! 2.0 (whether you bought them together or not) will give you a special offspring, but only 200 of these special LepreCatS! 2.0 kittens will have an extra surprise for their owners! So get out those Blarney Stones and start kissing them! Good Luck!

As we celebrate 10 amazing years we hope you enjoy this step into the past!

May you find luck at the end of your rainbow!

Your KittyCatS! Team


KittyCatS! – LepreCatS! 2.0 Fast Facts!


? Are the KittyCatS LepreCatS! 2.0 transferable? – Yes, after you rez them!
? Do they come with food? Yes! They come with two weeks of food, one 5% love vitamin, one love drop, and portable food! (these items are not transferable)
(The Pair package comes with two weeks of food for each Cat, two 5% love vitamins, two love drops and 2 portable foods)
? Do they come with the collars? – Yes!
? Can I buy more than one?  – Yes!
? Can I sell or trade them?  – Yes!
? Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -The LepreCatS! 2.0 are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They also will carry the genes of a NEW, re-imagined “vintage” eye, which will be shown on their special offspring! This eye is NOT guaranteed, but will only be in these cats and can be discovered through breeding.
? Can they breed something special? – Yes! If you breed 2 LepreCatS! 2.0 kitties they will give you a really cool special baby you will NOT want to miss! AND, 200 of those offspring will be boy & girl TWINS in a special size!
? Do I have to do or buy anything special for my special LepreCatS! 2.0 kitten to have the extra surprise? – No, The chance of your LepreCatS! 2.0 kitten to have the extra surprise is completely random and only 200 set of twins will ever be born.
? Can my regular cats have a Leprecat kitten? – No. The special LepreCatS! 2.0 kittens can only be born to a pair of Leprecats 2.0.

Get them here: KittyCatS! Store

©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.