Dec 172024


Presenting the KittyCatS! Winter Collection 2024
WonderLightS! KittyCatS!


KittyCatS! is proud to present our 2024 Winter Collection –
WonderLightS! collectible KittyCatS!

Our kitties have heard about all the people looking to the skies trying to see the magical wonders of the
Aurora Borealis & they felt everyone should get to see the wonder and majesty of them.

Each WonderLightS! cat has a unique Aurora scene & some come with additional options to change the legs or ear textures!

We were truly awestruck as we worked on these…. the wonder of nature, of this amazing world we all live in!!

We hope that magic touches you through these beautiful Wonder LightS!

Your KittyCatS! Team

P.S. Like all of our Winter Collection KIttyCatS, these handcrafted felines come with a ridable SLEIGH for you AND your cat to ride around on. (in their interaction menu)

Wonder Lights


KittyCatS! – WonderLightS! Facts!


? Are the KittyCatS WonderLightS! cats transferable? – yes, after you rez them!
? Do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop. and one portable food  (these items are not transferable)
? Can I buy more than one?  – yes!
? Can I sell or trade them?  – yes!
? Do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the WonderLightS! cats are a specially designed collectible cat with  random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
? Can they breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2 WonderLightS! kitties together they will give you a really lovely special baby you will NOT want to miss!


©2024 KittyCatS! all rights reserved.  All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.

Dec 022024

It’s time once again for the KittyCatS! Community Christmas Tree!

It is no secret that the KittyCatS! Community is full of some of the kindest, most helpful and creative people in SL. We’ve seen and remember how many of you love to create free gifts to give away to others, and how quickly you all assist others in chat when they have questions, so this year we are doing the Community Christmas Tree again! So many people enjoyed the gifts from the past community trees that we want to give you all a place to share your wonderful creations again. We truly have an amazing community with the biggest heart around, and we look forward to seeing all the wonderful gifts our community shares with each other!


Fast Facts:
•   Participants will need 1 group open to join the KittyCatS! & FriendS EventS group.
•   Everyone is invited to set out a free gift!
•   Gifts can be anything! Clothes, cat toys, poems, furniture, pictures…the choices are endless!
•   Gifts must be 0L$.
•   Please be mindful of the TOS for items you use!!!!
•   We will have some free gift boxes for your gift to go into.
•   Set up will be December 8th through December 12th.
•   The tree will open to the public around December 13th.


If you would like to take part in the KittyCatS! Community Christmas Tree this year, please create a notecard named ” KittyCatS! Community Christmas Tree (avatar name)” with the following information and place it into the Event Participation Mailbox here:

Last day to apply for the Community Tree is December 12th!

KittyCatS! Community Christmas Tree 2024

– Avatar Name (not display name):
– Are you able to join our event group?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact FoxieCat Resident.


Dec 022024

We invite you to let your imagination run wild and create a magnificent display to share with the world!

The theme this year is ‘A Natural Winter’, so we invite you to think outside the box and create scenes that show what outdoor winter fun your kitties can have.

KittyCatS! Winter Decoration Event Info 2024!


Fast Facts:
•   The event will be held at our KittyCatS! Winter Wonderland area.
•   Participants will need 1 group spot open to join the KittyCatS! & FriendS EventS group.
•   Every participant will get 175 prims to decorate.
•   Decorating will be from December 7th through December 12th.
•   Sim opens around December 13th to the public.
•   Last day to apply is December 6th!
•   Space is limited, so apply fast!


Rules for participation:
– One stall per person. (no alts)
– At least three (3) KittyCatS! cats have to be in the scene.
– PG content.
– By participating in this event you agree to the above.

We invite you to let your imagination run wild and create a magnificent display to share with the world! The theme this year is ‘A Natural Winter’, so we invite you to think outside the box and create scenes that show what outdoor winter fun your kitties can have.

Space is limited, so apply fast!


If you want to participate in the event please create a NC with the below info and place it into the Event Participation Mailbox here:

Last day to apply is December 6th!!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact FoxieCat Resident.


KittyCatS! Winter Decoration Event 2024

Please fill out ALL information:

1) Avatar Name (not display name):

2) Will anyone be decorating with you?
– If yes, their avatar name:

3) Are you able to join our event group?

4) Have you read all the rules & agree to follow them?


Oct 302024

In case you missed it…

At our Shop:
HarleCatS! & DeaD DragOnS! are out!
FREE HarleCatS Bleeding Heart Bed!
FREE BroomPets Hidden in 4 hidden Black Paper Bats!
(1 bat at the CatShow, other 3 are in our store/middle courtyard area!)

At the Haunted Nightmare Hunt Event:
We have 8 hidden Happy Pumpkins with FREE gifts inside!
(follow purple arrows to event, note photo sensitivity warning!)