As the creators of the KittyCatS! AND inspired by the “MAGIC OF SL” we’d like to say Happy 8th Birthday Second Life! We are so thrilled to be part of such a wonderful celebration of creativity and enthusiasm! To help mark this momentous occasion, we’ve created a special “Happy Birthday SL” KittyCat that is available for FREE to ALL residents as our Birthday Gift to you!
The cat is a specially created “Magic Birthday Cat” which comes with a week’s worth of special Birthday food, and accessories. Like our other collectible cats, this KittyCat will be available for a limited time, and will be a Genesis cat with a special costume fur. You can get your special SLB8 Happy Birthday “Magic Cat” at our SLB8 display here until July 2, 2011.
Thank you for celebrating Second Life’s 8th Birthday with us! We look forward to many more birthdays to come! Most of all… ENJOY YOUR NEW SPECIAL COLLECTIBLE KITTYCAT!
The KittyCatS! Team