Jul 222013

The whole world is awaiting the Royal Baby and all eyes are on this special occasion!!

Our Kitties alerted us that they TOO will be having some Royal Kittens!!! They thought you would enjoy your own little Royal Kitty!

So, starting August 1st through the 5th, yes, 5 whole days… you have the chance of your own Royal Baby Kitty!!! Every box born during that time has a chance to be a special royal kitten, you can get only one per avatar. If you got your “dream” kitten below the costume you will be able to make a support ticket to remove.

Get your cats ready!!!

Your KittyCatS Team

  7 Responses to “August 1st-5th – KittyCatS Royal Kittens!”

  1. […] is celebrating with the announcement of the new Royal Kittens! From the official site: The whole world is awaiting the Royal Baby and all eyes are on this special […]

  2. Dear KittyCats,

    Simply Fabulous! I can’t Wait. I’m already picking out names from my kitten name book!@!

  3. This will be exciting! Time to get those breeding kitties ready!

  4. You Guys Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ? New Born Kitten

    Fur: Regal Royal – Duke
    Eyes: Royal Sapphire (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
    Shade: Natural
    Tail: Fussy
    Ears: Curious
    Whiskers: 2 Tone Black & White (Shape: Fussy)
    Size: Normal

    YAAAAAAY!, i’m so happy!!!!!! my lucky day.

  6. I am so excited I am the proud owner of
    Regal Royal – Dutchess
    Fur: Snowshoe – Lilac
    Eyes: Azure (Curious|Big)
    Shade: Natural
    Tail: Genesis
    Ears: Mysterious
    Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
    Size: Normal
    Breeder: You
    Owner: ParisDeStileano Resident

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