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Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
03-09-2014, 03:35 AM
Post: #71
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
My final words in this discussion...if you, Julia and Quantic are breeding for, as you say, LOVE, why then why bother what the cats are sold for? No, you are both in this for the money! Congrats Fabio to a well done work!!! Smile Smile
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh
03-09-2014, 03:35 AM
Post: #72
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
I'm picking up here about what Sanu says about helping out new people.

Maybe it was communication problems Fabio, i don't know but whatever, you were extremely unlucky if you only found people unwilling to help and who wanted to keep this knowledge to themselves.
The great majority have, and have always been more than willing to patiently share their knowledge with people struggling to understand breeding, apart from those who freely contribute their time to giving regular breeding classes.

Sharing, in my group of KC friends anyhow, is what it has always been about, even sharing valuable kitties with others who are less fortunate too.


Anyhow, when i first replied to Kitten's post in this threadi honestly had no idea what was happening in the background.
I have since been filled in and it seems that this goes way back to some rather older manœvering and disputes

Also this thread has a few "sour grapes" posts, some agreeing or disagreeing with others mainly for infighting purposes rather than to defend any real position taken. Without going into details, they can be spotted a mile off.

But personally, i would never undercut another just to make a sale, especially if i'm using a cat that i know the original breeder went to a lot of expense and effort to produce. And i know many other breeders who share this way of thinking, and it's quite normal that they get pretty upset when this happens to them or to others.

This isn't so much about having "standards" or "principles" i find it just normal behavior and respecting other people.
And it really gives me the creeps to see that some consider the application of real life marketing procedures quite normal and appropriate, in other words the cut-throat, predatory system that is ruining peoples lives the world over.
As long as it's legal just go ahead it's fine … BULLSHIT !

So i just carry on quietly in my corner as always, hardly ever go to auctions nor am i particularly clued in with all the main circuit intrigues, god what a horror; how can anyone actually enjoy their lovely kitties and breeding when they get sucked into all THAT ?
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 Thanks given by: Keltora Edenbaum
03-09-2014, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2014 03:41 PM by Quantic Kimono.)
Post: #73
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
(03-09-2014 03:35 AM)BestKittenFriend Resident Wrote:  My final words in this discussion...if you, Julia and Quantic are breeding for, as you say, LOVE, why then why bother what the cats are sold for? No, you are both in this for the money! Congrats Fabio to a well done work!!! Smile Smile

Love does not last forever Smile
Nothing does. Like life, love is a cycle and a passage and very far from being blind.
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03-10-2014, 05:13 AM
Post: #74
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
When i started breeding Kittycats a long time ago..it was because i enjoyed it. I never thought about selling them at first because truthfully i liked them to much to sell them lol.
Then it became a hobby..so like any hobby i made a budget, much like my xbox gaming hobby or my care bear collecting i set a budget an stuck to it.
I don't breed new furs unless i like them. I love creating kittys that appeal to me. I have a skybox on ma land and i set some boxes out there to sell. I don't lower prices, i figure in the cost and the time and work it took me to make the kitty, if it sells, its sells, if it don't then i keep it and enjoy it myself.

I myself dont buy dirt cheap kittys..on the same hand i wont pay 50,000 lindens for a new recessive fur kitty with crap traits. I dont feel the rush to grab new furs or traits, i prefer to buy from breeders who took the time to make a beautifully traited cat, breeders who put time and effort into making wonderful cats, instead just pumping out a fur or a eye, or a new tail..jes my two centsBig Grin

bethie's kittys
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , anna Acanthus , Quantic Kimono , Julia Merosi
03-10-2014, 08:26 AM
Post: #75
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
Thank you Panthar. I do share your point of view Smile
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03-10-2014, 10:12 AM
Post: #76
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
(03-09-2014 03:35 AM)BestKittenFriend Resident Wrote:  My final words in this discussion...if you, Julia and Quantic are breeding for, as you say, LOVE, why then why bother what the cats are sold for? No, you are both in this for the money! Congrats Fabio to a well done work!!! Smile Smile

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and saying what others are thinking!
ty, ty, ty..... Fabao is doing what he loves to do. Finding new traits, and creating lovely kitties. He always has the time to share what is has learned with others...
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , Icestron Resident
03-11-2014, 01:51 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2014 01:53 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #77
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
I'd say congratulations for finding so much wonderful traits, Fabio!
Since the history of KittyCatS! I learned not everybody can be as happy for eachother as we hope or suspect when we find new things.
This is the very reason I keep for myself how many and what rare findings I have in my starters and learned to not talk about it because that is for some interpretate as bragging while I think we really should shout it out loud as we earned the traits and are happy!
Sharing all findings all at once is dangerous sadly because this can escalate in envious emotions and speculations that one is not playing fair.
I think we should not be forced to keep new findings a secret just because some people can't handle it.
Congratulations again with your new findings I hope you can enjoy it still because I think that is very important Smile

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , JC Aferdita , Icestron Resident , Shania Singh
03-12-2014, 05:26 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2014 05:32 PM by Icestron Resident.)
Post: #78
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
yup - everyone breeds for different reasons - ultimately we all get out of it what we enjoy - or leave.

As for starting out in kittycats - when I started breeding - I did find that people were quite helpful - to the point of swopping my higher traited kitties for their duds - so alas - I had a very similar experience to Fabao.

With time has come a bit more wisdom and I can honestly say that I have made the most fabulous friends in the KittyCats community - and that on balance people are very helpful with their advice and guidance - something I try and be for newbies as well.

As for the way some of the posts go I add an opinion (woot woot) - We are a global community this kittycats community of ours - and a bit of tolerance for cultural differences doesn't go unnoticed - especially when someone tries to express a view that might be contrary to our own. And that starts with the person staring at you in the mirror.

I love my KittyCats!

?????? [ Amber (Icestron Resident) ] ??????
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 Thanks given by: JC Aferdita
03-12-2014, 05:50 PM
Post: #79
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
(03-06-2014 11:59 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  Um .. it may be nobody's right but lemme tell you, for marital harmony, it's best, when your wife tells you to unload some junk cats, not to dump 'em all for 25L$. Been there. Done that. Still shudder at the memory.
Laughs and Laughs So Sorry ! Sad But Thanks for the Laugh
P.S. Love your Site and Please Please Please send Me a LM to your shop!!! i been trying a few times over the past months to get one from some where or some one . Or someone else can send me one just make sure i know it is to Tad's Shop Smile
Thanks ~ Veet Big Grin

~ Tigger BounceBounce - VeetMesser

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03-13-2014, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2014 12:02 AM by VeetMesser Resident.)
Post: #80
RE: Limited Purchases for Special Colletion Kitties
ok I have a lot to say. [But I normally do, heehhehehhehe]

Before I say any thing I would like to say a few things first: [My Disclaimer Big Grin ]
I am still sort of new to KittyCatS. My Veeter is 303 Days Old and So Is his Wifey Midnight. ( So about 10 months but it still don't seem that long at all)
And My next Disclaimer is If you think I'm talking about you? Please don't put that label on your self. Only I and maybe 1 or 2 ppl will ever know for oh so many reasons. Oh and Please Don't put a label on anyone else thinking you know who i'm talking about for the same reason and ALSO because there are in some areas more than one or more than a dozen people.
I'm taken My time to respond and respond in detail in some areas because not only do i care very much so about the topics at hand but also because I care about not Just My Beautiful KittyCatS but the KittyCatS community. These are my opinions but I have to ADMIT because of reading this thread my opinion on somethings that i may or may not comment on has seen the light from others here and changed and will change not only how I see things but the way I will handle and act on certain situations from this day on Smile Thank You!

ok here we go . . . . .
1st In My Opinion Limiting the amount of Special Collection Kitties a person can buy should not be done. It is A costume on top of a starter kitty. But It is thought that because a person buys more Kitties they get more new traits. Well . . .. . . I like to talk and people like to talk to me. But i normally do most of the talking as you will seee LOLOLOL [Sorry]
and this is not true from what i have heard straight from the Kitty Owner Mouths and not from a grape vine.
I do know that one person did buy a lot of Kitties and get lots of new traits.
But I also know of a few people that have bought the same amount and one person that has bought even more.
One of these persons didn't get nothing. [well from the ones they birthed]
and the others got a few new traits. But they all bought the same or even more than the person that did get alot of new traits.
And None of these people birthed each and every single one of the kitties they bought from the main store vendors. none of them.
But it is not just about them not birthing them all or keeping them all to them selves. They didn't take the time, nor the money [ to feed them kibble, milk & maybe even vitamins] on each and every single one of the kitties the bought. They either gave them to others that may not or may be able to afford their own or sold them on the Secondary Market [depending on the Costume] for either less than retail or higher than retail. The Company KittyCatS is not going to make the L$ off the ones that could afford to buy their own but was given a kitty nor are they going to make the L$ off the person that couldn't afford to buy their own but would have saved up to buy one directly from the KittyCatS company.
Also I would like to add in the one person that I know did get the more than average amount of the Newer traits. Worked hard and months to pull one of the newer traits out. And they also during these months of hard work they pay for the Kibble and Milk and Vitamins (if they used these) to pull that hidden trait out and other traits on their Kitties. And I'm pretty sure they all do try to recoup the amount they have spent on these kitties.

Now about prices:
Just like someone said, Look at the Kitty and Date Auction. All started at L$500. and where did those starts end at? Not one that I know of ended at L$500. I couldn't get in but i did have someone on the inside relaying details to me and me to others that couldn't get in. Man that was a Event!!!! But i'm pretty sure if one only went for the start we that couldn't get in would have been told. Smile

I am still learning on the pricing but I have learned a few things on my own or have been taught. (remember this detail I will come back to this later).
It was pretty much said about being a practice since the beginning to put a start price on a kitty and see where it goes. I for one have been told to put the lowest that I can handle taken for a kitty and hope it goes higher. Well I for one do this by either the market going start prices or what I feel is Fun but around either the market in the area or the lowest i can take. Now also My start can be higher than the going norm around me because A. I think they are going to Low or B. it not a fun number. Smile and not just on the auctions or on the boards but in my shops. something is going for L$500 as a start or a Price I will either put L$555 or L$444 depending on what i think or feel.
Ok to add to this....lololol! This is a Funny one hehehehehe. I have had people Im, send me notecards and even yes even go on voice telling me i'm to HIGH on a kitty! I have been told this on Special Collection Kitties I have gotten out of the Vendors, Special Collection Kitties I bought from someone else that either I changed my mind about or even wanted to make a little profit off of so that I may pay tier, rent, kibble or milk. Or a kitty I took and breed an breed and breed. Or a kitty that was a OS of the work an time and money someone else put into that I bought. I have one of those OS right now or a OS of the OS from those hard worked on kitty lines for sale right now. And right next door the same kitty or maybe a even better one is priced for less than half of what i'm selling mine for. Do i think I should jump an lower mine? Nope not at this time. Maybe later.
Ok get this one. I had a kitty up for sale and i'm all for making a deal or hearing someone out on a offer. But telling me i'm too high and making an offer for 1/5th of the price ??? hmmm ok it was worth a try. ok but the point is the Kitty Didn't sale that day or even the next but it did sale and at a higher price because after looking at the kitty in better and more educated mind at that time I realized the Kitty was worth more than what I 1st priced it at. L$500 more. It was a very nice Kitty! But the point I'm sort of trying to make for those that might be new is. Boxes don't eat and that sale will come for those very nice kitties. Just have to wait. Here is where it is a toss up also.
Ok Had to come back here and add something after reading part of page 7. I have even had People try to talk me out of buying a Kitty? yep? LOLOL1 Saying i'm biding to much or I want to pay too much! That Cat is not worth that much! Th start was only this Amount L$??? and I have been told this a few other ways oh and in swaps also and no not just at the Swap Swap but in private swaps.Oh and You just out bid your self ....loololol Ok I'm having fun and the Kitties is worth it or even more. Or I only have so much or only have so much i am able or willing to pay for the kitty. Why not have a little fun Smile I just hate it when i mess the auctioneer up or the seller this has happen to a few people i might add. But it is fun to have fun right Smile So Keep the Comments coming I Love it. Even if you are serious about them and not joking.
I really wanted the Kitty or Kitties in front of ME! Or I wanted to have fun. Or it is a friend or it is a new person or I like their name or they were kind to me on a Alt or kind to someone else and i was no way involved but a witness, or I just really really want the kitty!!! Smile or the Kitty is not getting the bids it deserves. Do I or can I do this all the time nope. But when i can i do. And Turst I love a deal. and if i get a stupidly stolen deal trust i do try to go back to that person and buy more kitties at full price! hehehehehe i like to have fun and when i can or see the chance I do right or better by people Now This is how i was brought up "AND THIS" is what i have received from the kitty cats community. In the same form or in other forms. 99.9999% of ya'll freaking ROCK! ok now back down below. Oh and I have been asked well around the past winter holidays are you sure you want to do a start price at that price and i did reply on i think it was 6 kitties on different days at different auctions here and there yes I want to in the spirit of the Holidays give a lower start price as sort of a gift and trust it wasn't that low. and it was known that I was doing this as like sort of a gift. 2 of the kitties were bid up higher than I thought 1 kitty did about right, 2 kitties didn't not sale at auction but afterwards and 1 kitty i was totally happy to take back home with me hehhehhhehhe Smile So starts at ties dont mean a thing but they do mean that is the lowest that you might get for a kitty is the start. lololol but not totally lolol I have had people come to me [that totally know better more than one person so if you think it is you might be but others have done the same] and when a kitty don't sale they have offer me lower ad lower than going market and said that they have gotten a kitty like this before, I have also had people come to me while a kitty was on a bid board and told me if the kitty doesn't sale I will give you a lower amount for it, I have been asked and even TOLD take the kitty off the board right now (with no bids yet) and I will giver you lower oh yes oh yes even with bids on a kitty I have been told the same lololol. People that "Are New" don't do it ok. don't do it. In My opinion this is wrong oh so wrong in many ways LOLOLOL! Depending on bills or really the mood i'm in on that day determines the price well along with the market going.
HeartHeart:heart:Got to Love this How about the person that is new to KittyCats and only bought a handful of kitties I think and still learning things and rocks out 3 or 4 new traits!!!! lolololol HeartHeartHeart So Lucky and so Cool
Ok and here is what I have seen also. A person buys a New trait from someone selling one at a proper price for a new trait that they worked hard to pull from one of those Special Collection Kitties or a starter kitty. And the New Owner:
A. Sales the Kitty not just at a lower than what they got it for, not just for what the going current market price is at but for 1/4, 1/5 and even 1/10 of all of the above. For what ever reason they are doing this for. I'm not in their brain nor shoes. So I can only guess and make a opinion on this. And it is that #1 they not a very good business person and do the work to figure out a proper price. Do the Math and figure out the cost to feed the parents to make a box, they don't look to see what others are going for [or if they are they are not getting proper information, will go back to this later] #2 they don't care and they just want to get theirs. Make the sale at any cost even if it is in poor intrest of the the overall market #3 they need to make a sale or sales so that they can pay the bills because they didn't budget things right or because of there actions in the past or lack of actions has caused the overall to drop they can't get what they need to survive and they have to lower the prices so low so that they can pay the bills or recoup the L$ spent on the kitty in the 1st place. But they have to keep doing this over and over and over again lower and lower and faster an faster to make up things or to be able to have enough L$ to buy the next new to do it all over again Smile

AngryExclamationAngryExclamationAngryExclamation Undecided Ok now there is another issue at hand on prices and us not being able to get proper prices on our market Which I have not seen mentioned yet! I'm only up to page 7 . ok let me read on and i be right back to see if it is brought up in 7 or 8.
ok back NOPE! not a word ok here we go! Think I might get some back lash on this one but it ties into things That I feel in My opinion that need to be I don't know looked into or controlled or what ever you wan to call it or needs or doesn't need Smile
before I say any thing I would like to add or re add. that I may or may not be talking about you or a person you think i am. So please don't assume. only the people involved or around would know. AND there are more than one on all of this. But not everyone!!!!!
Pricing being dropped lowered or what ever. In My opinion part of the real truth is this. . . .
There are people out there that just don't know and when you or when someone else goes to them for guidance they want to help or they want to make sure you get an answer or they want to answer you they make up a Price, or they don't give it any thought, or they them selves where miss informed or they saw some one else miss inform someone and that is what they are going with. Some times people ask in public or in public groups and get a response in public or in public groups and others that are new or just getting back in things or what ever the reason see this and well they either repeat what they heard or repeat it to others and the domino effect happens.
AngryAngryAngry Ok now to add to this!! Which has happen to me when i was first starting and I have seen with my own eyes happen to others or have been told that so and so said this for this exact same kitty. But what is happening is that Major Breeders even and Long timers even and even newer breeders are DELIBERATELY telling people that come to them for help in pricing something low low low or even lower prices so that they may buy the item off them either in private IM or going to their shops to buy them so low or even sending an Alt to buy them lower so they can take the item and sell it for the true going price or higher. and if these prices are given public chat other unknowing people are seeing this and pricing the same and repeating these to others. I have seen it first hand.
When I can (My RL Little Boys and a RL Kitten that thinks he is Spiderman Come 1st) I try to jump in and let it be known they must have been miss informed. Or that the market is always crazy or Take a walk or bounce or fly around and check things out a little better for your self or i share my stories of what has happen to me 1s t hand. But I never never name names and never never will call out anyone. and wont' here either. But THIS!!! is so so wrong! and those that have done this should be ashamed of them selves. and are part of the reason. and some but not all newbies that either want to make a fast buck or not wanting to learn.
Also to add there are more and more people coming to KittyCatS which gives more chances for things to go wrong or to go right. It is up to those that are here now or have been here to set the right pace and help guide those that might need a bit of help but in a nice way. Not attacking them. And even People like me that have been here for almost a year and still learning. Smile
Can we control people? Nope! Can we stop them from doing this? Most likely nope! Like this is a free market, we all have free will with our actions. Just like I do we all do. And we do have the "Free Will to do Right not Wrong!"
Also people not wanting to do! yep not wanting to work to find the new traits in those kitties and then they give up and sell off kitties that are not the newest fur for way way low prices. They want to be given it or they have spent alot of money and didn't get any thing new. So they sell what they do have at dirt cheap just to either get something back any thing back or just for the hell of it. Not to confuse others. I did have a person get upset very up set that they spent alot of money [i don't know how much didn't ask and alot to one person may not be alot to another and vice versa] and they didn't get a new fur nor did they get a new eye. I was like well you did get some very very nice kitties and they maybe hiding a new ear, a new tail, a new shade or ect. They wanted the big bucks !! and fast!!! well this you need "Patience" well i'm not very Patience I admit i use vitamins hehhehhee ad i do Buy traits but i also work for my hidden traits also. No new ones but same Damn Beautiful Kitties that put a smile on my face. Big GrinTongueSmile Oh like one of My Starter Gen Kitties I got hehehhehehe Toy, Toy Tea Cup lololol all pretty beautiful Genesis - Domino IV kitties. Plus it is not only the hard work but also the luck of the servers.

Just like was said is what i say right and someone else wrong nope! except when you have people trying to do wrong on purpose. Not trying to push My side but Do unto "Others" as "You" would have them do unto You. and if you don't give a darn about your self well Do unto Others as You should rightfully do so ok <3 Love one Another and not just the kitties! Cause if we don't well you can fill that in Heart
Much Love to All! Heart

ok one P.S. I would love some lessons From Mrs Callie You Freaking ROCK!!!!!!

~ Tigger BounceBounce - VeetMesser

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