Hey again. Tonight gave my two super cats (them i asked about earlier in this tree) their first kitten and it became a "ghost cat":
? The little ghost Franciska
Fur: Silly SpOOkS! - Skelebow
Eyes: Empty (Shape: Spooky | Pupil: Spooky)
Shade: Spirit
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Rounded Fold
Whiskers: White (Shape: Plush)
Size: 12 cm (4.7 inch)
Now is my question what to do with these cats to get the best results? Should i wait until my super cats gets a boy and then breed him with his sister, the cat girl i got today and continue pairing the two supercats / the parents? Or should i breed this new girl with her ??father, or should i start to pair the kids (and also the parents) with another cat in the "common" fur, such as Salty's or similar?
My wish and hope is to get a nice cat with fine traits in the "common" furs from these cats. Ideally, any of them new furs.