Yesterday i bought a female and a male of they "super cats" and it is written about these cats: "… and any 2 that are bred will give you a special Kitten! What will it be??? You will have to wait and see!!!!"
I wonder if I should breed these two cats together, or whether it is best to breed them separately, each with another cats in high traits? Previously i have only had a couple out of these collectible cats that i paired togheter and there was no good result. They just gave genesis cats in low traits.
Thanks in advance*
If you want the special offspring, you *MUST* breed them together. It does not need to be the first offspring for either parent (you can breed the parent with others, first) but you will only get the special offspring when BOTH parents are from the collection and NEITHER has had a special offspring, yet.
"Best" however, depends upon your goals.
It may be "best" to breed the parents together and get the special offspring as soon as possible. It will be a "special collection cat" and that will give it some value.
For breeding purposes, however, the parents you have are just starters and MAY contain a new (recessive) trait. While it's possible to get that trait by breeding them together (even possible for it to appear on the special offspring), it's very unlikely. So, it may be "best" to breed the parents with well-traited, highly recessive cats (not starters, so not from the collection, so no special offspring is possible). This has a much higher chance of producing the new trait, sooner.
Thanks so much for your response and I now know a little more what I should do and what you told me was about what I thought. L-M
(10-16-2013 10:00 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]If you want the special offspring, you *MUST* breed them together. It does not need to be the first offspring for either parent (you can breed the parent with others, first) but you will only get the special offspring when BOTH parents are from the collection and NEITHER has had a special offspring, yet.
"Best" however, depends upon your goals.
It may be "best" to breed the parents together and get the special offspring as soon as possible. It will be a "special collection cat" and that will give it some value.
For breeding purposes, however, the parents you have are just starters and MAY contain a new (recessive) trait. While it's possible to get that trait by breeding them together (even possible for it to appear on the special offspring), it's very unlikely. So, it may be "best" to breed the parents with well-traited, highly recessive cats (not starters, so not from the collection, so no special offspring is possible). This has a much higher chance of producing the new trait, sooner.
Hey again. Tonight gave my two super cats (them i asked about earlier in this tree) their first kitten and it became a "ghost cat":
? The little ghost Franciska
Fur: Silly SpOOkS! - Skelebow
Eyes: Empty (Shape: Spooky | Pupil: Spooky)
Shade: Spirit
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Rounded Fold
Whiskers: White (Shape: Plush)
Size: 12 cm (4.7 inch)
Now is my question what to do with these cats to get the best results? Should i wait until my super cats gets a boy and then breed him with his sister, the cat girl i got today and continue pairing the two supercats / the parents? Or should i breed this new girl with her ??father, or should i start to pair the kids (and also the parents) with another cat in the "common" fur, such as Salty's or similar?
My wish and hope is to get a nice cat with fine traits in the "common" furs from these cats. Ideally, any of them new furs.

Well those traits are a costume so you need to look at the pedigree to see it's actual traits to see if it would be worth breeding back. Personally I would keep the special baby boxed for now and breed both of your supers with other cats with at least semi recessive traits and with as many pure* retired traits as possible.
Retired traits are VERY useful in breeding because you know for a FACT they can not be hiding in the newest starters so if you get it back you know to breed back to find what is hiding. While rare there are chances that what you are breeding to your cat could also be the same thing they are hiding. I myself have had this happen when I was breeding pure* Odyssey Sublime eyes to a starter I didn't currently have anything more recessive available in my cattery to test the eyes in the starter with and so I was trying to breed back instead. Later I had a kitteh with Odyssey Rainbow come open for breeding that was the right sex and so I bred it to the starter and got Odyssey Sublime back. It was a bit frustrating to be sure.
Thanks for your advice and i will follow them. Unfortunately i have already unpacked the special baby box, which was perhaps foolish. But done is done, so i will breed this special baby with one of my Foxies to see what I can get out.
Not foolish in the least! You can enjoy your special baby and who knows it might just hide something from mom or dad for you to find!