(02-24-2014 08:08 PM)Tatiana Cheng Wrote: I agree with Nino and honestly this is why I stopped breeding because on top of not being able to make sense of the breeding basics (yeah I'm a breeding dummy
) it didn't seem to matter since I was always so far behind whatever the new trait was I couldn't afford to add it to my cattery let alone get it bred into any of my kitties. It would help if more info could be given to update the Saga docs which are in a sad state of empty info for the new traits not counting the ones that just came out. It took up till now just to update the breeds/eye etc section of the website. Just my opinion but too much too fast 
I agree with many of the things said in this thread...it seems we are all, always playing catch-up in the race to new traits and many sadly get left in the dust and go unrecognized. The period of time from Halloween through Easter is especially hectic, as this is when so many of the holidays come around. It's expensive, and your cattery gets overrun with genesis cats in the scuffle to breed out the new things, however it's also very exciting (and like Nino and others said, overwhelming).
Regarding the Saga docs...
It's everyone's responsibility to send in the information that they find regarding trait recessiveness, and it does not fall solely on those who manage the documents. They can only update them as quickly as they gain information. With all of the new traits it is too much, too fast (like you stated above). The breeding takes time, and KittyCats are not for those with a lack of patience.
I'm glad Nino brought it up though, as I've been feeling the same.