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Based on the charts posted of Rumtums ancestry it certainly appears likely he is hiding Blue Marble. Looking forward to seeing what the kitten pops since it has the potential to place the fur Smile
Good Luck and fingers crossed that Rumtum passed his shown Smile
Foxie Chestnut is Dominant to AM-BM... congrats to Xtra and to Cee for this proof tonight...

[Image: 402c30c34e7319f7f2a1df03a2923536.png]

Nippy (Foxie Chestnut) bred to Barley (AM-BM) produced Filippa (Foxie Chestnut).

Filippa was then crossed to a Burmilla Red, and produced an AM-BM kitten. The AM-BM had to be the hidden from Filippa, thus Foxie Ches. is Dominant to AM-BM.
That is AWESOME! I've known this for a while, but haven't had the charts available to prove it yet, so help from Cee and Xtra is very much appreciated.

My Foxie Chestnut x Tonki BluePoint have given me two Foxie furs so far, while Foxie Chestnut X Tinki NatMink have given two NatMinks.
They are driving me crazy, because at least one of those pairs keep passing the hidden. The first 2nd generation kittens are due in a week, and I'm crossing paws.

Grats and thanks again, Cee and Xtra!
Good job, Cee and Xtra! The forum charts have been updated with your proof!
Very cool Hap! Tell Cee and XtraLovin congrats on their proof! Down to 2 furs!
Awesome work Cee and Lovin. Can happily pair my opaline blue marble with my foxie chestnut now without worrying
The first of four Foxie Chestnut x Tonkinese Natural Mink showing Tonkinese Natural Mink passed Tonkinese Blue Mink, so that's a bust.
The first of three Foxie Chestnut x Tonkinese Blue Point showing Foxie Chestnut passed Foxie Chestnut.
Needless to say that those Chestnuts drive me crazy?
My Chestnut test pairs passed either their shown fur, or passed the wrong hidden this week too. Rumtum definitely hides Blue Marble, so Chestnut dom to Blue Marble is confirmed. Those who passed their shown fur are repartneted for a new round, and two new boxes are unpacked.
Another week gone, and the 2nd generation kitties keep passing their shown fur.
I have four test pairs now, all of them passed their shown fur.
That's eight shown furs in a row, and two wrong hiddens before that
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