Saga has a Dominance Testing Site to clear up some of those pesky furs and eyes especially that have been hanging around unplaced for ages.
So far in a few weeks, we have placed Pewter and Crystal Berry unplaced since last year as well as narrowed others. With any luck by the end of summer a dozen will be finally placed.
If you don't want to help test, you can help by donating milk and/or kibble and/or L$ to buy milk/kibble. If you want to donate milk/kibble directly, contact Brunabug Nightfire or myself. We will hook you up with a "Feeder Breeder" designation in the "Saga Charts Project Space" group so you can drop milk/kibble on the mat anytime here:
You can donate L$ to the tipjar on the kibble/milk mat there too.
Also you can directly donate L$ to SagaKitty.
Feel free to drop by anytime to see the various tests people are running.
We all use the Saga charts when we are breeding to make or find traits. This is a great opportunity to help with a resource we all use. Hope to see you!