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Threads closed to easily?
10-15-2015, 06:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2015 06:59 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #1
Exclamation Threads closed to easily?
Hello dear KittyCats team,

I wonder why as of recent threads are closed so easily?
I get sometimes a healthy discussion and/ or disagreement can fire up emotions which can't be called productive anymore and therefore I always liked the interventions which hopefully brought a topic back on track again.
This way hot topics stay under the surface and a healthy debat which by the nature of it can get heathed is made impossible.
I love forums for healthy debats and I love freedom of speech and expression too.
Closing threads is therefore in my opinion something which shouldn't be done too lightly because that very freedom is taken away.

I value freedom of speech and in our country (The Netherlands) that is part of freedom in general which we should cherish in almost all instances, I feel.
Cutting this freedom off is a strong enforcement to use.

In the last closed thread I saw some things which went personal and therefore counter productive.
But that was not the only thing I saw that was just part of it.
A vitale part of breeding KittyCatS was discussed and while people agreed and disagreed
I think it is a topic from which it is rather sad it is just cut off.

It is ashame we can't discuss things, disagree and learn to agree to disagree.

With all respect I feel the thread was closed to easily.
The OP announced to stop posting in that thread and on the forums in general but I for one was curious if others had valuable opinions.

I hope in the future freedom of speech and trust in us, the community, to solve things and continue in a healthy discussion can be considered.



[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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 Thanks given by: Deerne Resident , Dimpz Morane , Aubreygrace Starlight , CarlottaAdagio Resident , Senta Garnburg , Devilness Chant , Kash Primdashian
10-15-2015, 08:42 AM
Post: #2
RE: Threads closed to easily?
Personally, for some of the more recent thread closings, I wondered why it took so long. The threads being closed all seem to be in the same vein, hashing and rehashing the same subject, over and over. Some were simply a new thread because the other had been closed; one has to wonder why the poster didn't get the hint the first time. Or the second, or third, or ...
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 Thanks given by: Dimpz Morane , Ryanna Enfield , Aubreygrace Starlight , Kayleigh McMillan
10-15-2015, 08:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2015 09:08 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #3
RE: Threads closed to easily?
I agree Tad but it is a strong way to make people stop talking with each other

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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10-15-2015, 11:06 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 08:35 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #4
RE: Threads closed to easily?
But if most do not care so much for that it is not important to me either.
After all it has to be cool for the majority of people.
I participate in a lot of most of the time fun and free forums on the Internet.
So if KC likes it better, in this more restrictive and limited way, I understand that :-)

~ Kay

Edit one restriction I would adore to see different.
When a thread has no community relevance such as in this "feedback" section or the "general discussions" forum I'd love having the freedom to delete a thread.
For example I have a showroom here and the pictures are hosted by Ipernity.
I pay them so I can share it here but I changed back to free Flickr.
People replied on some postings including the pucture why I can't replace it at all times.
This makes my photos disappear which looks bad.
Why I want to start over eventually if that has effect on my showroom.
If I can't start over I will need to continue with paying Ipernity to not have a messy showroom.
And ultimately not being able to delete such unimportant threads makes me hasitate to create a new thread.
I am sure there are more reasons to think about to make this less restrictive.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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10-15-2015, 06:06 PM
Post: #5
RE: Threads closed to easily?
I think that for a business, KittyCatS has been remarkably open about what they will allow on their forum. They run it - and I'm glad - as a sponsored hobbyist/fan forum with all the highs and lows and enthusiasms. Some threads have remained open longer than I expected. In this case, I was surprised that it was shut down sooner because of the past history, but then, perhaps it was a decision from within that indeed they had let those others go on rather long before intervening.

I'd like to point out that far from it being impossible to have a civil discussion on the issues of pricing, loss-leaders, and undercutting in an industry, in the Real World this is done every day in newspapers, economist magazines, and websites. It simply requires that people push their emotions to the side and focus on the analysis of the facts and dynamics. It can be done.
It is done.
Over and over again.
This does not mean of course that parties from different demographics (KittyCats hobbyists versus KittyCats business people and every shade in between) will come to an agreement about the future. But meaningful discussion Can Be Had without drama.

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , MsMagick Resident , Senta Garnburg , Ryanna Enfield , Kash Primdashian
10-15-2015, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2015 06:59 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #6
RE: Threads closed to easily?
That would be really wonderful Ivy!
And I agree I feel they used to let us more freedom perhaps more than we can expect.
This was the reason I was surpised as well.
But I am happy with your group for instance.
Drama free but not so busy that we can barely talk in depth.
Perhaps "Cattery Chatter" certainly as ot grows makes it less important to debate on the forums.
What I like about debating wether it is on a Dutch more free forum or here is that we can take some time to consider and tweak our posts and different from a conversation we can write our thoughts out.
A conversation is also very cool though and can be very vibrant.
Here I find myself re-reading what I post before I post it more than anywhere else because I feel less free.

Therefore I have high hopes for your group because it is fun to talk about our shared hobby :-)
The "General Discussions" forum which we used to use to communicate is a bit silent lately.
Kitty talk is always fun you can wake me up for a good pedigree puzzle Smile

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.

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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk , Shamu077 Resident , MsMagick Resident
10-16-2015, 02:09 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 02:15 AM by Shamu077 Resident.)
Post: #7
RE: Threads closed to easily?
(10-15-2015 06:45 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:  ...
And I agree I feel they used to let us more freedom perhaps more than we can expect.
This was the reason I was surpised as well.
But I am happy with your group for instance.
Drama free but not so busy that we can barely talk in depth.
Perhaps "Cattery Chatter" certainly as ot grows makes it less important to debate on the forums.
The "General Discussions" forum which we used to use to communicate is a bit silent lately.
Kitty talk is always fun you can wake me up for a good pedigree puzzle Smile

The rule seems to be "any market discussion is bad news" so don't post it here.
This forum has become a marketing forum and one where stray newbies can ask basic questions. Any discussion that talks about the state of the KC market gets cut off because there are too many sellers here that are afraid to speak publicly about anything that might affect their sales or prices.

Tad, you used to put a "State Of The Market" analysis here, back when it was mostly good news, that is more new breeders to replace the burned out ones, and sales were about the same as always. It's been two years since I have seen your analysis. Why?

My own indicator is simply the bid board auctions at the most popular secondary market sims. We are scraping the bottom this year in terms of cats offered and cats with bids before the auction expires. At the same time some auctioneers wring their hands about low prices and lack of meaniful bids. But wait, now I am not being productive so I will be silent again, as I have been most of this year.

I might post some cute kitty pictures though Smile
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , Dimpz Morane , Kayleigh McMillan , Ivy Norsk , Ryanna Enfield , Kash Primdashian
10-16-2015, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 02:38 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #8
RE: Threads closed to easily?
(10-15-2015 06:06 PM)Ivy Norsk Wrote:  I think that for a business, KittyCatS has been remarkably open about what they will allow on their forum. They run it - and I'm glad - as a sponsored hobbyist/fan forum with all the highs and lows and enthusiasms.

I'd like to point out that far from it being impossible to have a civil discussion on the issues of pricing, loss-leaders, and undercutting in an industry, in the Real World this is done every day in newspapers, economist magazines, and websites. It simply requires that people push their emotions to the side and focus on the analysis of the facts and dynamics. It can be done.
It is done.
Over and over again.
This does not mean of course that parties from different demographics (KittyCats hobbyists versus KittyCats business people and every shade in between) will come to an agreement about the future. But meaningful discussion Can Be Had without drama.

Agreed! And thank you for starting the group.

(10-16-2015 02:09 AM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote:  The rule seems to be "any market discussion is bad news" so don't post it here.
This forum has become a marketing forum and one where stray newbies can ask basic questions. Any discussion that talks about the state of the KC market gets cut off because there are too many sellers here that are afraid to speak publicly about anything that might affect their sales or prices.

Tad, you used to put a "State Of The Market" analysis here, back when it was mostly good news, that is more new breeders to replace the burned out ones, and sales were about the same as always. It's been two years since I have seen your analysis. Why?

My own indicator is simply the bid board auctions at the most popular secondary market sims. We are scraping the bottom this year in terms of cats offered and cats with bids before the auction expires. At the same time some auctioneers wring their hands about low prices and lack of meaningful bids. But wait, now I am not being productive so I will be silent again, as I have been most of this year.

I'd love to see Tad's analysis of what is going on now as well.

We can certainly talk about the state of the market, prices, etc. in Cattery Chatter - and we often do. Other times, we look at pedigrees, or just chat over coffee. Please feel free to come join us. Open, honest, grounded discussion is always welcome.

* * *
The Magick Cattery

In World Kitties For Sale: http://torgon.info/manage/index.html#!/k...20Resident
MarketPlace: http://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167189
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Ivy Norsk
10-16-2015, 03:47 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 05:05 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #9
RE: Threads closed to easily?
(10-16-2015 02:09 AM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote:  The rule seems to be "any market discussion is bad news" so don't post it here.
This forum has become a marketing forum and one where stray newbies can ask basic questions. Any discussion that talks about the state of the KC market gets cut off because there are too many sellers here that are afraid to speak publicly about anything that might affect their sales or prices.

Tad, you used to put a "State Of The Market" analysis here, back when it was mostly good news, that is more new breeders to replace the burned out ones, and sales were about the same as always. It's been two years since I have seen your analysis. Why?

My own indicator is simply the bid board auctions at the most popular secondary market sims. We are scraping the bottom this year in terms of cats offered and cats with bids before the auction expires. At the same time some auctioneers wring their hands about low prices and lack of meaniful bids. But wait, now I am not being productive so I will be silent again, as I have been most of this year.

I might post some cute kitty pictures though Smile

So true!
It is changed here more like a business than a community venue.
Which is maybe normal with these amount of members that they only focus on the business part of this all.
Fur us oldbees that is a little weird as the focus was so much on us as a community.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.

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10-16-2015, 04:55 AM
Post: #10
RE: Threads closed to easily?
I give thanks to this thread and those that contribute to it.

I feel concern for those who feel they cannot speak freely and hope they come forward.

People should be able to post, without fear of repercussions; and I hope many do.
We may not always agree with the others point of view - but with open dialog - we can at least compromise and agree to disagree.

If people think others are selling way to low - have a discussion with them - hear their point of view on the subject - who knows - you may reach a compromise or may not - but at least you have shared your views. It doesn't have to be hostile
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Aubreygrace Starlight , Senta Garnburg , Ryanna Enfield , Oselkhandro Resident , MsMagick Resident , Kash Primdashian
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