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06-08-2015, 09:53 AM
Post: #21
RE: Summer...

Thank you all the answers posted here. I appreciate the cooperation of all. I read each of the posts.

I wanted to show the two problems that exist in the calendar of releases KC:

Problem 1: Valentines is very close to Christmas, and Easter
Problem 2: No collections with new traits in northern summer

Since I know KC, and visit the website kittycats.biz, the first image that I see on the home page is a 'welcome' in many different languages.

This shows that KC, has positioned itself to be a company and global game. Respecting everyone, globally, and with it, changing some forms of regional thoughts.

Summer for the northern hemisphere and winter for the southern hemisphere.

If you are going to vacation in June / July / August, the other half of the planet is going to the winter and work hard.

So when the northern hemisphere is getting your 'Santa' in a night of snow and cold, half the planet is getting the 'Santa' in a swimsuit, and drinking water-coconut on a sunny beach.

Yes, the southern hemisphere enters summer break in December / January / February.

If we have 30% flow fewer people in June / July / August, because of the northern hemisphere, we also have 30% less flow of people in December / January / February, because the southern hemisphere.

So it would be no loss to KC company if 30% of people have to leave the SL in June / July / August. KC has other 70% of people ready to work on a collection in this period.
This already happens in the months of December / January / February. People who can not be online at this time, just skip one or two collection.

We would not have this 'great stress' caused by 'Valentines Collection', which is in the midst of Christmas and Easter.

We would solve the two problems! Looking at a global KC.

Where is the loss of revenue for KC?

We're talking about an increase in revenue for KC, and an organization on the calendar.

Valentines Collection is itself a beautiful collection to present in this period. Any reduction of income here, will be won in greater proportions in a new collection in June month. (Alias, June 12 is celebrated the 'day Valentine' in Brazil. Move valentines for June would be a good idea. Poke JC and Tess . laughs Tongue)

Just watch the KC chat, people have not got to test halloween kittens, and then Christmas cats.
and neither the christmas test ended, and Valentines is at the door.
then builds up cats, christmas / valentine / Easters, all open to testing, causing a great exhaustive process.
Breaking the budget of many.

But at the same time, all are making their kittens secret projects. Even they are testing some kittens collection.
This is something that does not stop.
or maybe,
let me understand correctly.
All Kittens designer, stop their projects when collections come out, to return to the project in the summer?
This is the way that designers play KC? But we know that not everyone plays this way.

And the truth is that many do not buy cats collection. just wait to buy new traits in auctions.

I completely understand that there are two types of light as people raise their kittens. Designers and mining!
and if we have three months of differences for each collection with new traits, this is a breath for everyone. 90 days is a good period of 'holiday' for designers to create their designs.

I'm really thinking of jumping Valentines 2016 as well. I should not have new traits in valentines.
I buy only what I like to give my special friends.

Hey Tess and JC. smile would be fun a collection 'Midsummer', or even use this new collection for 'global issues'.
Some tributes to other countries and their local cultures. Each year a new theme and country.
See? There are many solutions and ideas for the collection of June. And it would be fun to know your country and culture.

Only, I am outraged by what I see when it 'July and August'.
People exchange KC other breeder, for Gachtas, and so many other things.

Keep this 'summer hole' is losing lots of KC admirers!

Valentines collection, with new traits is strangling the budget of all!

This happened in 2013, 2014 and, much earlier this year!

Only a few more ideas and thoughts on the table. I hope I have not offended anyone.

I have a commercial view of KC, and as I respect the way you play KC, I'm also exposing the way I like to play KC.

Since there is no rule imposed by KC, or a single idea or thought to KC breeder, all are free to have fun with KC as it sees more fun for yourself.

Just only KC balance things and meet the demands that his public is asking.

Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
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 Thanks given by: Priestess Firanelli , Icestron Resident , Dimpz Morane
06-08-2015, 10:07 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015 10:10 AM by Arwen Swordthain.)
Post: #22
RE: Summer...
(06-07-2015 08:40 PM)Crystalize Sands Wrote:  I think it comes down to SL being US based timezone wise and season wise. I think people in other timezones and different seasons miss out on a lot in SL not just KCs. In my summer in Australia it is the "boom" time for KCs when I would rather be out in the sunshine. When I am asleep the best auctions are on. It seems that the percentage of KC breeders must be predominantly US timezone/season. I have learnt to accept it and just enjoy my breeding. If SL was Australian based it would work in my favourSmile

Shameless plug for Ambers Auctions timed to the Aussie time Zone at Too Adorable.
Its only a small 8 Panel auction but we get some awesome cats from fantastic breeders Smile

(06-07-2015 09:41 PM)MsMagick Resident Wrote:  A lot of it is UK/Europe-based and finding times that aren't too late there too. There isn't a lot to do by the time it gets to be late in the evening in California, and if I were still working, even on the East Coast, I'd miss many of the events I enjoy due to work. If they had more things at, as an example: 11pm San Francisco time (the same as SLT), that would be 4pm the next day in Melbourne (or 6pm Melbourne time in our winter and your summer).
Another Shameless plug for the midnight auction at Too Adorable http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/To.../105/13/21

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 Thanks given by: Icestron Resident , fabioazevedo Oh
06-08-2015, 10:14 AM
Post: #23
Heart RE: Summer...
bless your heart Arwen

big squish Smile


(06-08-2015 10:07 AM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote:  
(06-07-2015 08:40 PM)Crystalize Sands Wrote:  I think it comes down to SL being US based timezone wise and season wise. I think people in other timezones and different seasons miss out on a lot in SL not just KCs. In my summer in Australia it is the "boom" time for KCs when I would rather be out in the sunshine. When I am asleep the best auctions are on. It seems that the percentage of KC breeders must be predominantly US timezone/season. I have learnt to accept it and just enjoy my breeding. If SL was Australian based it would work in my favourSmile

Shameless plug for Ambers Auctions timed to the Aussie time Zone at Too Adorable.
Its only a small 8 Panel auction but we get some awesome cats from fantastic breeders Smile

(06-07-2015 09:41 PM)MsMagick Resident Wrote:  A lot of it is UK/Europe-based and finding times that aren't too late there too. There isn't a lot to do by the time it gets to be late in the evening in California, and if I were still working, even on the East Coast, I'd miss many of the events I enjoy due to work. If they had more things at, as an example: 11pm San Francisco time (the same as SLT), that would be 4pm the next day in Melbourne (or 6pm Melbourne time in our winter and your summer).
Another Shameless plug for the midnight auction at Too Adorable http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/To.../105/13/21

?????? [ Amber (Icestron Resident) ] ??????
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh
06-09-2015, 01:50 AM
Post: #24
RE: Summer...
(06-08-2015 10:14 AM)Icestron Resident Wrote:  bless your heart Arwen

big squish Smile


(06-08-2015 10:07 AM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote:  
(06-07-2015 08:40 PM)Crystalize Sands Wrote:  I think it comes down to SL being US based timezone wise and season wise. I think people in other timezones and different seasons miss out on a lot in SL not just KCs. In my summer in Australia it is the "boom" time for KCs when I would rather be out in the sunshine. When I am asleep the best auctions are on. It seems that the percentage of KC breeders must be predominantly US timezone/season. I have learnt to accept it and just enjoy my breeding. If SL was Australian based it would work in my favourSmile

Shameless plug for Ambers Auctions timed to the Aussie time Zone at Too Adorable.
Its only a small 8 Panel auction but we get some awesome cats from fantastic breeders Smile

(06-07-2015 09:41 PM)MsMagick Resident Wrote:  A lot of it is UK/Europe-based and finding times that aren't too late there too. There isn't a lot to do by the time it gets to be late in the evening in California, and if I were still working, even on the East Coast, I'd miss many of the events I enjoy due to work. If they had more things at, as an example: 11pm San Francisco time (the same as SLT), that would be 4pm the next day in Melbourne (or 6pm Melbourne time in our winter and your summer).
Another Shameless plug for the midnight auction at Too Adorable http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/To.../105/13/21
Thanks all for your info on auctions on my time. I am not the sort of person to try and shame anyone - I was just not aware of these auctions.
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , Icestron Resident
06-09-2015, 06:31 AM
Post: #25
RE: Summer...
I still see no reason of why they should change their schedule. And it's not like nothing happens during the summer, there's usually a surprise birth-event in the middle of the summer, the RFL and other events. If you decide you want to skip any of the collections then it's up to you Smile As you said, we are all free to play the KC-game the way we want to.
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , HikariItsumo Resident
06-09-2015, 07:10 AM
Post: #26
RE: Summer...
(06-09-2015 06:31 AM)jc aferdita Wrote:  I still see no reason of why they should change their schedule. And it's not like nothing happens during the summer, there's usually a surprise birth-event in the middle of the summer, the RFL and other events. If you decide you want to skip any of the collections then it's up to you Smile As you said, we are all free to play the KC-game the way we want to.

I still do not see reason for 70% of people, stay waiting, the 30% return from your vacation.

So you have an explanation would like to hear.

But about people who like to holiday in the middle of the year, certainly would not mind skipping a summer collection.

Yes. We are all free to choose!

Just a way of showing Kc for the two problems that exist in the calendar. Since Kc is a business and global game.

Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
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 Thanks given by: Priestess Firanelli
06-09-2015, 08:59 PM
Post: #27
RE: Summer...
KC owners deal with holidays IRL as we see them practise in the collectibles which means that during the summer time for them they might need a little rest time after a hectic season.
However they do have a RFL collection in the middle of the summer.
While not everyone globally celebrates the summer at the same time the owners do.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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 Thanks given by: HikariItsumo Resident , fabioazevedo Oh , Icestron Resident
06-10-2015, 01:32 AM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2015 02:35 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #28
RE: Summer...
(06-09-2015 07:10 AM)fabioazevedo Oh Wrote:  I still do not see reason for 70% of people, stay waiting, the 30% return from your vacation.

So you have an explanation would like to hear.

Fabio, in all honestly, this is starting to remind me of when you berated and harassed me for not speaking Portuguese with you, when you know that I don't speak it at all, instead of thanking me for trying to use a translator to meet you halfway.

(I know that I am very lucky that English is my native language, and I am very thankful to those from other countries who have worked hard to be able to communicate with me and others in their second, third or even fifth language. I feel that American children should have a much greater opportunity to learn other languages, and more exposure to them, at much younger ages, but like many of us, what I learned in high school and college was too little, too late.)

A lot of the RL world around me celebrates holidays that I do not, with businesses being closed, etc. I am glad that there is a greater move to celebrate Winter, Spring, etc. instead of just any one religion's holidays, but yes, that then does create an issue regarding the fact that the weather varies around the world. There are plenty of places in the Northern Hemisphere that don't ever get snow in Winter. I remember being surprised when I saw roses blooming in December when I lived San Francisco, whereas here, they start blooming around the end of April. I guess what I'm saying is that, while I'm very much in favor if being as inclusive as possible, most of us sometimes have to deal with things that don't fit where we live or who we are.

Speaking of which, does anyone have any clue what the actual percentage of SL users are from the Northern or Southern Hemisphere? According to multiple web sources, 88% - 90% of the world's population live in the Northern Hemisphere, but I don't see stats for SL users.

On the other hand, charts like the one on on the bottom left here (Median user concurrency for the last 365 days):


do make last July look a whole lot better than this June. (And apparently no one logs on at New Years!)

Looking at this... let's just say I'd like to see it trend back up again very soon.

* * *
The Magick Cattery

In World Kitties For Sale: http://torgon.info/manage/index.html#!/k...20Resident
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 Thanks given by: JC Aferdita , Barry Ballyhoo , HikariItsumo Resident , Illuminatra Resident , fabioazevedo Oh , Emilia Darkwatch , Icestron Resident
06-10-2015, 04:39 AM
Post: #29
RE: Summer...
There are events during the summer, so the people playing during the summer isn't forgotten, again, the surprise birth event, the rfl etc (I'm repeating myself here). The LE-collections that pop up during the winter half of the year are usually up for a minimum of 2-3 weeks. Not Days, Weeks. So there's a lot of time for the people vacationing during the winter half to get their hands on the collections then. And your 30% both winter and summer doesn't add up, there are more people in the northern hemisphere than the southern. So logically, it can't be the exact same percentage, please find out the real numbers before you go shouting them out confusing people.

And the break we get during the summer-months are much needed. It will be too much if we get collections all year around, then when will we get a break to work on our projects? When will we get a break to explore our new traits? In your suggestion you want to completely wipe out the break that the majority of us use to explore and work on our projects, trait up our cats and just enjoy the cats at, for what? To flood the market with more traits and collections? I'm saying thanks, but no thanks. The setup KC currently runs on is good. We need the downtime.
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , HikariItsumo Resident , Illuminatra Resident , fabioazevedo Oh , Ryanna Enfield , Emilia Darkwatch
06-10-2015, 05:48 AM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2015 05:54 AM by Emilia Darkwatch.)
Post: #30
RE: Summer...
I'm very happy with the way things are currently done and personally, I enjoy very much the fact it gives a bit of a break from new collections for a while. I think it is much needed and a great thing that has been carefully thought out. I feel it also does benefit the market in general. Speaking of which...

I am not understanding where this 30/70% thing is coming from at all or who it is who surveyed SL to come up with this. If 70% of people were here in SL with little change to their daily routines, or "waiting" as it was put... SL simply would not experience the well known summer downturn in sales for all sorts of products, which does happen and is very real. I find it hard to see why, if only 30% were changing their habits, and 70% were here or waiting, as stated, how it would be so affected. Fabao, can you show us your source for this 30/70%?

Angel "I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through" - Jules Verne Angel
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , JC Aferdita , HikariItsumo Resident , Illuminatra Resident , fabioazevedo Oh , Ryanna Enfield , Icestron Resident
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