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05-13-2015, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2015 11:53 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #11
Copied from another thread, because it really is how I got started:

I remember when I sometimes saw a cat curled up asleep in a favorite store, and thought it was just an object there for decor like others that I had seen... but then didn't know where it went when the bed was empty.

I remember when I saw another cat running around at a shopping event. It fascinated me much more than the clothes, and I followed it for a while.

I remember finding my way to the KittyCat store - curious, but worried about the lack of available prims at my house.

I remember rezing this cool free kitty they gave me, but it was oooooooh so tiny. And fast! And... so many prims! Do I need to put the bed out? I read the instructions... where is it's home again?

Hey, where did it go? Where? Where is it?

Oh, there are stats over there... IN the wall. But it's too low... I can't even get to it to see it.

I remember the nice lady from KCs - I don't remember now which one it was, but thanks sooo much! - coming out to my Linden home and teaching me how to turn cam constraints off so I could get it out of the floor, where it was stuck UNDER the wall.

I remember thinking it was too many prims & being scared I'd lose it again... putting my little FireBall away in inventory... and feeling guilty about doing that to my poor kitty.

I remember when my new girl took me over to the SL home of her RL wife, who had both Firestorm kitties running around, and used to breed KittyCats herself. She showed me the low prim modes and told me my Fireball was okay, even in my inventory. I petted her kitties and then got mine out and played with him. He was all grown, and she taught me how to set home and range, and to put him in low prim mode. She told me the market was flooded, not to get addicted, and she had all these boxes in her cattery... wherever that was.

I remember when I found they had KittyCats on the Marketplace and started looking for one that I thought was really cute... smaller than the Fireball (he seemed so big when I cuddled him) and not so orange.

I remember when I found the most adorable KittyCat with a heart-shaped marking on it's face... a Petite Domino IV with the prettiest blue Genesis Water eyes and a Frisky tail. I was looking for a Petite and knew that they usually cost more, but she was only L$199. And she was perfect!

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3262]

Picture taken in front of the fire in the cabin I now share with the above-mentioned girl. I feel very lucky that she enjoys having my kitties at her/our place. (She even just paid to permapet Precious.) They now have a beautiful home and garden where they can run and play. (And, yes, their ranges are carefully set to keep them out of the fire and water - well, except that the Mega tiger loves the water. :-) I've learned a lot in 4 months!)

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3265]

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* * *
The Magick Cattery

In World Kitties For Sale: http://torgon.info/manage/index.html#!/k...20Resident
MarketPlace: http://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167189
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply , Ivy Norsk , Beryl Landar
05-13-2015, 10:55 AM
Post: #12
I started when a friend told me about the Firestorm kitty. I opened the free kitty and then I was lost! LOL

I'm not even sure how many I have now! I bought them their own little shack at the home show. LOL

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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , Jelly Supply , Ivy Norsk , Beryl Landar
05-14-2015, 01:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2015 09:12 PM by Jelly Supply.)
Post: #13
Let me see.. I used to do a lot of hunts "back in the day" lol. One of them was not quite a hunt... But an advent Calendar at Christmas. It took me to Kittycats main store.

I remembering looking around the store thinking "these people must be nuts" Raising Pixel cats...how silly. But..... At the time if it was free I surely must have it. A way to get stuff cause I was broke,,,lol.

One of the gifts was the Stary Night Cat. I didn't open it right away... But thought..what the heck let's see what all the fuss is about.
Needless to say he captured my heart. Of coarse now he needed a friend. So I went to the secondary markets & fell in love with the " love leopard " collection.

I could in vision getting all these love leopard babies when I mated them. Alas it was not to be. The wonderful kittycats community was kind enough to teach me the fine art of breeding. (Still learning btw) and the rest is history! I am hooked.

That started me on my journey of collecting every L.E. That was put out. So far so good I have & love them all. I have cut down on my number of cats in my chattery but am so enjoying creating cats that I love.

I love the cats & the wonderful kittycats staff & the community!

Thank you Kittycats & hugs to Callie Heart
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , Ivy Norsk
05-14-2015, 01:50 AM
Post: #14
Two and a half years ago my husband and I had been exploring sims and we came across this woman walking along with this big and beautiful white cat held in her arms.

I remember my husband just said "Oh wow look!" That was all he said at that point and time until we had both logged out that night and were on the couch with our rl furbaby snuggled next to us as she always was. He got this big goofy smile on his face as he was petting our furball and he asked how would I feel about having some virtual cats like the one I saw the woman carrying.

My answer of course was I would just love that! I was so excited that instead of waiting to go shopping with my husband for a kittycat I went looking around for one I thought was sweet and somewhat resembled our real life kitten. I remember she was only 99L when I found her. I perma petted her as soon as she was old enough because I never intended to start breeding kittycats at all. I had her for a long time until I gave her to a friend and I really miss her. Shortly after I got the first kittycat, my husband went out and spent what I considered way too much on my Dreams Of Eire girl Claddagh who was again perma petted right after she was purchased.

I've gotten several people addicted to kittycats because I have a very big soft spot for older kittycats I find sold for really cheap and can't imagine them being sent to the menagerie so of course I buy on impulse, they get perma petted, and I give them as gifts to people.

Since then I bred kittycats for awhile and stopped. Thought of doing it again, but it is hard because I'm very shy to begin with. I have gained a few more perma petted furballs and my husband and I both consider them our babies just like our real life girl kitten who passed away at seventeen years of age. We have our virtual baby kitten with us though and this past year adopted a sweet six year old furball who once again is a complete Daddy and Mommy's girl. She is a joy.

I get very sad at times that my old sweetie is no longer with me and I was even more heartbroken that her baby sister we now have never got to meet the wonderful little furbaby her older sister was. That meant getting a virtual baby sister so they could be together at least in one world.

Now my husband and I just explore different kittycat secondary markets and if I find an older kittycat it is purchased, etc. I can't quite stop the addiction of "saving all of the older kittycats". I think why I have such an addiction to older kittycats is because of my old sweet girl who passed and the fact that my husband and I never adopt young kittens in real life. It is always an older cat because they need loving homes too and we prefer them. They are awesome!

That is my story.
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , Ivy Norsk , Jelly Supply
05-14-2015, 06:38 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015 02:19 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #15
(05-14-2015 01:50 AM)Keltora Edenbaum Wrote:  Now my husband and I just explore different kittycat secondary markets and if I find an older kittycat it is purchased, etc. I can't quite stop the addiction of "saving all of the older kittycats". I think why I have such an addiction to older kittycats is because of my old sweet girl who passed and the fact that my husband and I never adopt young kittens in real life. It is always an older cat because they need loving homes too and we prefer them. They are awesome!

I bought and immediately permapetted my little teacup Tigre Le Blanc, Nala (see my profile pic), when she was over 250 days old, and she's turning 1 year old today. Yay!! That was the first time I bought an older kitty, and I absolutely love her!

Since then, I have found that while I like breeding non-costumed cats, I prefer buying older collectibles, and then permapetting them rather than buying the newest ones and spending all the time and resources to pull out their hidden traits, etc. This is especially true for sick cats that need a new home as I also feel good about healing them. I'm having to cut back, budget-wise, on making new permas, but one of the nice things about already having several already is that you know you will always be able to afford them without having to worry about them ever getting sick (again).

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* * *
The Magick Cattery

In World Kitties For Sale: http://torgon.info/manage/index.html#!/k...20Resident
MarketPlace: http://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167189
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply
05-14-2015, 11:20 AM
Post: #16
Like most of the people in the stories, my first KittyCat was the Firestorm gift, but unlike most of you, I would not open it. I remembered having to feed Hunter pets in World of Warcraft, and that was a royal pain. I did not want to get "hooked". But then, along came the Advent cat...and of course, I had to open a holiday gift! Only then did I check out the Firestorm cat, and its starter kitten - and found a "friend" for the Advent cat! Too late to stop now..I WAS hooked!

Latest Born Kitty:
[Image: Oselkhandro_Resident]
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply , MsMagick Resident
05-14-2015, 07:03 PM
Post: #17
thank you everyone who has shared your story so far!!! WOW it's really fun to read them!!! Smile

it makes us very happy! (and me very very very happy) Tongue

keep them coming and tell your friends so we can hear too!!

and for those who are shy, wow... would have never known by such great posts! Smile thank you again!!
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply , MsMagick Resident
05-14-2015, 10:40 PM
Post: #18
I love these stories.

My kittycats discovery is two parts.

The part I remember is the POE hunt. I got to the store and noticed the Advent calendar. So I came back after the 25th and got all the prizes including the free kitty. That was December 2013. Since I got it at the store I found out you had to feed it and you could breed. So bought a starter. Then on my sim, there was a nearby parcel owner selling cats -- and I saw bengals which I thought was so cool. AT that point, I was totally hooked.

a couple months later, I remembered I might have got another kitty awhile back on a hunt. I remember buying a kitty from a cart or something. I tned to get anything cat-related. Love cats, obviously. I remember getting IMs that my kitty was hungry and not knowing where it was or how to feed it. And then it said it went to sanctuary. So I searched through my inventory and found Lucy. Poor thing was over 1200 days old and never been fed or had babies. I nursed her back to health. I also found another box. It says Genesis Coco. Just Coco, no II, III or IV. So I was almost there from the beginning. I guess it was meant to be because I kept finding kittycats again and again. And now here I am -- totally addicted and with a load of kitties.

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply , MsMagick Resident
05-15-2015, 05:33 PM
Post: #19
I won't bore anyone with how I found kitties the first time. lol What made me an addict are all the new things kc does with updates, animations, beautiful costume kitties, customer service, and fun events. And of course the cute little kitty faces that just melt my heart.

But the first thing I did when I got back was get kitties! It's just not sl without kitties running around and playing. Heart

Devine Kitty Stuff MarketPlace
Devine Kitties at The Kat Shack
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply , MsMagick Resident
05-18-2015, 08:08 AM
Post: #20
I started like most people with the firestorm 2013 kitty. I was loading up my firestorm viewer and while it was taking it's time, the message on it was about the release of a phoenixfirestorm special kitty available to all phoenixfirestorm users for free. I didn't think about it to start with but kept seeing the message over and over again. One day curiosity finally grabbed me and while the viewer was logging in, I clicked for the page on phoenixfirestorm and read about it. I thought it would be a cute idea for a pet to play with in between bike rides (was a SL biker back then). Little did I know that 3 months later, I'd have over 40 pairs of breeding kitties on my land. Though at this point I'm not breeding, I still have my 2013 and 2014 firestorm kitties, my perma Mega's and LE's running around my sim with kitties I just can't seem to menagerie. I also hold a pair of kittens from every pair of cats I've bred in the last 12 months and loads of collector kitties.

VALYRIAN CATS Owner & CatTales Staff
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply , MsMagick Resident
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