Oselkhandro Wrote:So, if I take a box out so that I can move it to the cattery,but do not birth it, does that count as "rezzing" and cause the traits to be fixed? if so, does that mean it just has to stay in in-world inventory?
If you already see a box, it's either already loaded or busy loading. If you rezz it to put it in Cattery, then it is already loaded or busy loading.
Because of issues arising from the use of the word "box", I've uploaded a picture.
On the left we see some standard kitty collectible boxes. They are already loaded. In fact if you Right-click the boxes and choose Inspect, and then Details, it will tell you the date on which the box was created, which ought to be the same date on which its traits were loaded.
On the right-hand side of the picture, we see an egg. This is the vendor package for The Easter Kitties of 2014, the Baby Bunnies (the ones in pjs). Inside of this vendor package is a kitty box, but it has never seen the light of day. It has never been rezzed and moved into Cattery. It has never been rezzed at all. It has sat INSIDE the package in my inventory.
Okay, you may ask, which one of the Baby Bunnies is it?
I. Don't. Know.
Because it has never been rezzed.
I know that it's a boy - because I bought it from a boy vendor, and it is marked as such. But I don't know what its traits are.
It does not know what its traits are.
Headquarters does not know what its traits are.
Because it has never been rezzed and the traits are not yet loaded.
Now I must urge you to only purchase vendor packages from reputable sellers and people that you trust, because the vendor package is a package, and ah... SL is full of mischief and fraud.