jwenting Resident I think the point is that those who don't lurk in-world as much should still have access to KittyCatS information like anyone else just the same. This is a quality of life issue, it's to support all SLifestyles, whether you're someone who is actively participating in SL many hours a day thus would benefit from a group notice. Or perhaps you're someone who logs in only when given a reason to due to RL (Hi!), these individuals benefit most from forum news, beyond those who have come to expect the forum as a news source in general.
There's no harm done in informing all parties and it's really no big deal to do IMO, the devs frequent the forum anyway as seen here.

No one has stated that there should be forum news
OR group notice news, it has been both since I joined in 2011 - heck, we have the KittyCatS blog cover the same topics as the forum, which is awesome. Ideally all types of community members should be able to get news of all sorts. What's the harm in continuing to inform the community on all KittyCatS-related platforms?
You are assuming that only because people such as myself don't frequent in-world as much, KittyCatS-related events/news wouldn't benefit us and that's incorrect in several ways, we're active participants and customers like you. This even applies to people who are in-world quite a bit: A) SL tends to eat group notices as mentioned by users with this issue above, B) Group notices are easily overlooked due to the mass spam of group notices received from other groups as well, and C) Some KittyCatS hobbyists can't login as much therefore may participate in KittyCatS just as often but on the cattery and can't go in-world unless they plan ahead to balance their schedule - I fall into group C, therefore I don't see notices. As seen in this thread, I'm not alone, so that's several customers who are not "in the know" if a forum post is overlooked for an announcement. And you're right, you can never reach
everyone but might as well utilize any popular routes, and again what's the harm? Many have come to rely on the forum as a source of news as this is a platform KittyCatS has used to post events from day one, at least since I joined.
In an ideal world, important news and events of any sort would go - and have gone - to both those who rely on group notices and those who rely on the forum news/blog posts to reach all customers and community members. And thank you KittyCatS for posting news on the site and in group in the first place, it's very very helpful as I find myself in this predicament of being unable to sign in-world often but strive to partake in KittyCatS when I can.
Kayleigh McMillan This is such a good idea about posting hints! I totally want to upload the blurry, enticing hints to the forum for those of us who can't join in the fun group chat speculation. I bet our forum speculation would be amazing LOL If only I was in-world enough to check notices as well to effectively do this >.<