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Suggestion: Gender before birth
11-04-2011, 02:26 PM
Post: #51
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
I'd like to chime in, too... nowadays it is almost impossible to sell a box - even a box with many traits. I just can't afford to open all the boxes and then try to sell the kitties... knowing the gender would help a lot with breeding programs, and with selling boxes.
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11-04-2011, 05:35 PM
Post: #52
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
I just had to send FIVE kittens in a row to the menagerie because they all were boys 0.o
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11-05-2011, 06:27 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2011 06:29 AM by anna Acanthus.)
Post: #53
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
Yeah getting rather tired and bored with trying to get at starters' hiddens; the cost, the time , the eternal recommencing rat race side of it all.
Quite honestly i think it's only fair that at least we could know whether to open a box or not.
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11-05-2011, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2011 11:01 AM by Yuukie Onmura.)
Post: #54
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
six, in the end... and of course the ones to go poof were the ones that I would have wanted to breed with.

I have to say, i was this short of sending *all* my cats in and giving up on the whole idea. might have permapetted *one* of them to keep.
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11-05-2011, 11:38 AM
Post: #55
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
I never open boxes to sell simply because it makes me feel too sad having them just sitting there waiting.
Hate rl pet shops for same reason. It's nasty and tacky.
Can't even stay for long when searching in stores for a kitty to buy i feel bad about not being able to take them all home with me.
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11-19-2011, 06:47 PM
Post: #56
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
Hello everyone,

We apologize for a somewhat late reply and the reason in part is due to having numerous discussions about this request that some of you have.

We want you to know we have all discussed this from many sides of the request, considering those who want this feature very much, those who don't, those who are on the fence and every possible thing we could think of ourselves.

We agreed as a company for any "major" decision we make that would alter our future plans, we would ALL have to be in agreement. On this issue, we have never all been in agreement. That being said, we've all gone back and forth on making gender known and keeping this as they are.

Due to that fact, and also the fact that making a choice to change the current way we have things set up would alter future plans we have, we will not be having gender on the boxes.

We will continue to discuss possibilities for a request where one can know the gender before birth, and at this time we simply don't have one. We wish we did, we have some ideas but none that we can implement at this time.

We thank you for your input and taking the time to let us know what some of you you think about this, your input is very important to us, even when we can't accommodate every request.

Thank you in advance for understanding and hope you know we do work really hard to implement requests that we can quickly as well as try to add as much value and features we hope you will enjoy.

Respectfully Yours,

The KittyCatS Team
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 Thanks given by: Bea Shamrock
11-22-2011, 07:48 AM
Post: #57
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
Even though I see you have decided to not have gender on boxes, a potion idea or something similar would be just as appreciated? I know the argument would be that not all can afford it, but a "peek a boo" potion sold at a similar cost to the happiness potion would surely not break the bank for most.

I do not believe having gender on boxes would turn the markets into "cardboard kingdoms" because if people are wanting to sell their cats, it is proven that unless they unbox them, then chances of selling are less. It therefore makes more sense to unbox cats you are wanting to sell. Not to mention the fact that most auctions also disallow box sales and require the cats to be birthed beforehand.

We all know the KittyCats team works hard to bring us the best, and do their utmost to listen to what we need/hope to add to our beloved kitties. The updates are always well thought-out, useful and fun. I just know as a long time breeder despite all attempts to make everyone happy, the lack of gender on boxes/gender reveal before birthing.... really is effecting the way people are breeding or .... not breeding.

A good way to solve this problem may be to have a vote on your main page since it is such a major decision?

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11-22-2011, 07:55 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2011 11:29 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #58
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
(11-22-2011 07:48 AM)Khea Karas Wrote:  Even though I see you have decided to not have gender on boxes, a potion idea or something similar would be just as appreciated? I know the argument would be that not all can afford it, but a "peek a boo" potion sold at a similar cost to the happiness potion would surely not break the bank for most.

I do not believe having gender on boxes would turn the markets into "cardboard kingdoms" because if people are wanting to sell their cats, it is proven that unless they unbox them, then chances of selling are less. It therefore makes more sense to unbox cats you are wanting to sell. Not to mention the fact that most auctions also disallow box sales and require the cats to be birthed beforehand.

We all know the KittyCats team works hard to bring us the best, and do their utmost to listen to what we need/hope to add to our beloved kitties. The updates are always well thought-out, useful and fun. I just know as a long time breeder despite all attempts to make everyone happy, the lack of gender on boxes/gender reveal before birthing.... really is effecting the way people are breeding or .... not breeding.

A good way to solve this problem may be to have a vote on your main page since it is such a major decision?

Wow nice idea a poll!
After all the owners are not the only ones with an opinion right?
And oh since this final decision I have more cats boxed than ever it makes me even more conservative in opening boxes since the amount of breeds the end user can make with them expire each week.
I suffer also from a breeding tiredness I continue them because they are cute otherwise it would definately be a bye bye.
I tell myself often Kay these are just tempting prims nothing more nothing less so I'm in the process of rejection.
There comes a day I go cold turkey and cuddle my permapets the question is not IF but WHEN.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom ยป

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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11-22-2011, 08:11 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2011 10:50 AM by Khea Karas.)
Post: #59
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
(11-22-2011 07:55 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:  And oh since this final decision I have more cats boxed than ever it makes me even more conservative in opening boxes than ever since the amoutn of breeds the end user can make with them expire each week.

Me too! I have a grand total of 915 boxes. Most of them are great cats, I refuse to birth them because unless they are the right gender they become useless to me.

So some may reply... "Well just sell them if they are so good"

This is NOT an option. Apart from they fact that the market is no longer supporting the value of the cat,...why should I be giving away my "secret kitty combinations" to someone else so they can gain off my hard work before I can achieve what I need too? Once a particular breed combination hits the market...fully traited or not, the value will drop as everyone will then be breeding/selling them. We saw this happen with the Black Russians with Perfect Gerbera Orange Eyes (for example). At one time they were selling for 33K + , now even fully traited they sell for 1-2K if you are lucky. For sellers to make a profit, the window is slim. By the time I get the gender I need and it has grown to breeding age (which is another issue entirely Tongue) I have missed the boat...if I were to sell the "rejects" from my projects.

The point is that unless we have a way to view genders this really does screw up our breeding programs. Dodgy

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06-06-2012, 07:01 AM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2012 07:02 AM by anna Acanthus.)
Post: #60
RE: Suggestion: Gender before birth
Whatever line i'm trying to breed out at the moment i'm getting ALL THE SAME SEX, and it's the same as the parent i'm trying to breed out from.
I'm talking about 4 different breeding lines here. Up to six weeks of it.
So PLEASE, the team whatever the measure you will be implementing which apparently can resolve this problem for us, can you get it done as fast as possible, or i'll just have to give up.
The time, the expense (not to mention the 2 weeks waiting time if i DO ever manage to get the right sex, which should have been reduced long ago) just really isn't worth it anymore.
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