I whole-heartedly support this - being on a massive boy-streak myself, I am actually getting so frustrated right now that I went and digged boxes out of inventory that I normally wouldn't have birthed - and they STILL turned out boys! -After that, I ponder what to do - and right now, I luckily realise that I better not do ANYTHING untill I slept on it...
If we could see the gender of a box before birthing it, it would have SO many advantages -
-It would massively help the market for boxes - by making it much easier to shop for boxes, of course. As a KittyCats-auctioneer myself, I have to tell people time and time again "You can't sell it very well unless it is unboxed so people can see gender". Sometimes, I am then asked "But what do I do if it don't sell? I am out of prims/can't afford more food?"... What to do?
-It would help minor breeders keeping their balance - first of all gender-wise, but secondly also economically. I think we all know the situation where we rushed out and bought cats that we should not have bought, just to even out the gender-balance AGAIN? I met too many people who ended up with way too many cats, and "broke their neck" on it. While KittyCats of course make money on this, I am 100% sure than more money would come out of it in the long run if new and/or minor breeders had better ways to "population-control". -And telling the gender on boxes is a major factor there.
-And then... Basically, as I said in chat earlier, I would vote for ANYTHING that could prevent my current frustration from repeating:
(Rant incomming!):
-Most of my cats are bred for traits, the more the better - and of those, ALL the boxes I birthed the past 6 days are boys! ALL of them. The only girls I got is a cocoa&white that I mean to breed into that line (my first attempt to pure-breed), and the other is an RFL-offspring that I mean to breed back to her dad.
-So, in my multi-traited line, I got this 6 days old girl and then 8 or so younger boys (would be much more if I hadn't sold some and given some away) - of which I would REALLY like to breed all of them! They are great cats, -I- bred them, I know a lot of their hidden traits, and I wish to breed them out. -But how?? I got no girls to breed them with - and I can't just go outhere and find other 6- and 7-traiters w. key lime etc. in the background... can I?
Having FINALLY reached this stage in my breeding where I can start cross-breeding furs into super-traited cats, and breed hidden stuff OUT of multi-traited cats, I find myself just staring at all those boys and just not knowing what to do.
Sure, there will always be frustrations in breedables, but this is the first time I really go all "Errr....".
I don't want to sell these cats - and I can't in ANY way afford buying girls enough of that quality to breed them with. So... yeah. I really don't know. Hope for a "girl-week" next week? -And have the boys sitting around with 100% love while they grow up? -And what if it's still all boys - or even MOSTLY boys, next week? Heck, I don't know.

-But yes - ALL that being said - please do give us a way to prevent situations like these? Being able to see gender on boxes would be awfully brilliant.
/End of Rant