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What did I do Wrong
05-18-2014, 12:42 AM
Post: #11
RE: What did I do Wrong
For me, it's easier to see if I attach numbers to traits. In January, I numbered all the furs on Sagas chart ion a spreadsheet. The numbers do get outdated because new furs are being added all the time. (I deal with it by adding a, b, c, etc after the # when a new fur falls between 2 older furs.

So, Zoe, your furs.
A parent = 54 = Bengal Snow (note: Bengal Snow retired 4/2012 so can only be birth to descendents of cats with Bengal Snow before 4/2012.)
B parent = 58 = Siamese Flame (note: introduced 9/2011)
C child = 67 = Balinese Seal Lynx (note: Bali Seal Lynx retired winter/2012 so can only be birth to descendents of cats with Bali Seal before winter/2012.)

In this numbering, the lower the number, the more dominant the fur
Either A or B has the hidden fur #67

If A throws Bengal Snow #54 and B throws Siam Flame #58
Child will have Bengal Snow

If A throws hidden fur and hidden fur is #55-57 (Ocicat Tawny, Abyssinian Fawn, Snowshoe Red)
B throws Siam Flame #58
child will show the A's hidden fur because 55, 56, or 57 < 58
This cannot happen in your case because you already have a child #67 so 1 parent has to have #67 hidden and the other parent has to have #67 hidden or a higher number.

If A throws hidden fur and it is #59 or more
B throws Siam Flame
Child will show Siam Flame because 59< 60 or more

If A and B both throw their hidden fur, then the fur with the lowest # (most dominant) will show. That is what happened in your case.
One has #67 Balinese Seal Lynx
The other parent has to have #67 Bali Seal too or higher.
(#68 or higher:
Tawny & White Tabby
Balinese Blue Lynx
Balinese Flame Lynx
Main Coon Plush Calico
Ocicat Ebony Silver
Balinese Cream Lynx (Retired)
Pandie Brown & White
Bengal Black
Foxie Soft Black
Foxie Salt & Pepper Mask
Snowshoe Cream
Siamese Chocolate Tortie
Pandie Fawn
Pandie Platinum
Abyssinian Dark Chocolate)

I hope that helps you to see how it works.
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 Thanks given by: Zoe Upshaw
05-19-2014, 12:52 AM
Post: #12
RE: What did I do Wrong
This works and is sorta like how it's probably implemented in program code.

Just remember: the numbers CHANGE!!!

Just because they're #67 and #68 today does not mean KittyCatS! cannot add a value between them, moving #68 to #69 (and all the others to the end of the list) to make room for the new number.
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05-19-2014, 09:23 AM
Post: #13
RE: What did I do Wrong
Yes That helps me alot!
(05-18-2014 12:42 AM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote:  For me, it's easier to see if I attach numbers to traits. In January, I numbered all the furs on Sagas chart ion a spreadsheet. The numbers do get outdated because new furs are being added all the time. (I deal with it by adding a, b, c, etc after the # when a new fur falls between 2 older furs.

So, Zoe, your furs.
A parent = 54 = Bengal Snow (note: Bengal Snow retired 4/2012 so can only be birth to descendents of cats with Bengal Snow before 4/2012.)
B parent = 58 = Siamese Flame (note: introduced 9/2011)
C child = 67 = Balinese Seal Lynx (note: Bali Seal Lynx retired winter/2012 so can only be birth to descendents of cats with Bali Seal before winter/2012.)

In this numbering, the lower the number, the more dominant the fur
Either A or B has the hidden fur #67

If A throws Bengal Snow #54 and B throws Siam Flame #58
Child will have Bengal Snow

If A throws hidden fur and hidden fur is #55-57 (Ocicat Tawny, Abyssinian Fawn, Snowshoe Red)
B throws Siam Flame #58
child will show the A's hidden fur because 55, 56, or 57 < 58
This cannot happen in your case because you already have a child #67 so 1 parent has to have #67 hidden and the other parent has to have #67 hidden or a higher number.

If A throws hidden fur and it is #59 or more
B throws Siam Flame
Child will show Siam Flame because 59< 60 or more

If A and B both throw their hidden fur, then the fur with the lowest # (most dominant) will show. That is what happened in your case.
One has #67 Balinese Seal Lynx
The other parent has to have #67 Bali Seal too or higher.
(#68 or higher:
Tawny & White Tabby
Balinese Blue Lynx
Balinese Flame Lynx
Main Coon Plush Calico
Ocicat Ebony Silver
Balinese Cream Lynx (Retired)
Pandie Brown & White
Bengal Black
Foxie Soft Black
Foxie Salt & Pepper Mask
Snowshoe Cream
Siamese Chocolate Tortie
Pandie Fawn
Pandie Platinum
Abyssinian Dark Chocolate)

I hope that helps you to see how it works.
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