(10-18-2013 01:40 AM)MoonFairy Chrome Wrote: I m new to the Kitty's and mine is only 5 days old now. From day one she has talked to my friend but has never said a word to me. I have checked the setting and talk is on. He also go a male kitty the same day and he talks up a storm to him.
Last night I got 2 more kitty's one for each of us and darn it his new kitty is talking to him too. Both of mine only talk to him.
So I'm I doing something wrong or what?
You might clear your blocked list, if anything is there. Although it is several clicks to block a cat from your local chat, it could happen if someone else had access to your account. Other than that, if you just stand within their range they will eventually find you and say something cute. If you keep moving around, they may have trouble finding you.
Also, do they have some smart-azz comment when you wake them? They should. And if you stop feeding them it doesn't take them long to start whining to you