The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 10:18 PM SLT on January 26.
? 9T Bali Seal Beach Blue Twinkle Pointed Soft Fold Blonde Streaked
? Bali Choco Chop CHop Pointed Soft Fold (Check my BG!)
? 8T Bali Seal Pft Rainbow Prism Twinkle Pft Whisks
? 7T Bali Seal Wild Cherry Twinkle ?? Pair
? Bengal Snow Jade Flair TigerCurl OdyBooBoo Ears Frazzled
? Aby Ruddy Jade Eyes
? Bali Lilac Light Wash/Fancie Blue Diamond ?? Pair
? 9T Bengal Snow Platinum Twinkle
? 5T Bali Cream Peach Bellini Plush Whisk
? 9T Bali Seal HuckleBerry Twinkle Toy
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least Midnight SLT on January 28.
? 9T Siam Lilac ? & Siam Flame Foxie Auburn OS ?
? Aby Lilac Myst Huckleberry +3 (see pedigree!)
? Burm Blue Bronze Porcelain 2ToneB&W ?? pair
? 5T Burmese Blue Bigger de Big
? Bengal Snow sm Gerbera Pink Flair ?? pair
? Oci Ebony Silver Carnivale
? Siam Flame Ody Bellini Flair SF White Plush Whisk
? Bali Seal Lynx Ody BooBoo Ear Frazzled Whisk
? Diamond II Ody #1 Ear BIGGER de BIG
? Flame II Morning Glory SF MEGAPUSS (Foxie Ears and Jade OS)
? Bali Lilac Lynx Blonde Streaked Frazzled whisk
? 7T Bengal Charcoal Small Mocha
? Bali Flame Midnight SKy Triple Mystery
? Burm Platinum Wild Cherry Flair Soft Fold
? Aby BS Fire 2Tone Whisk
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least Midnight SLT on January 29.
? Oci Tawny 18c Gold MegaPuss
? Aby BS Shamrock Soft Fold
? 5T Bali Lilac Light Wash 2 Tone Stubby
? 8T Foxie Auburn Myst Fancie Blue Diamond Soft Fold
? 8T Chat Cocoa & White No.2 Myst Ice Crystal White Plush
? 9T Bengal Snow Rainbow Prism Twinkle Soft Fold
? 6T Russian Black & Siamese Choc Frazzled ?? pair
? 7T Bengal Tawny Caramel Glitter Teacup
? Russ Black Fancie Blue Diamond Glitter MegaPuss
? 9T Bengal Snow Wild Cherry Flair MegaPuss
? 8T Bali Cream Pft Ody Sublime Twinkle Pft Whisks
? Bali Seal Pft Beach Blue Illume Pft Whisks
? Bali Lilac Small Beach Blue/Pft Ody Carnival Wavy
? 7T Siam Flame Small Ody Burst Porcelain
? 9T Siam Choco Azure Flair MegaPuss
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 03:40 AM on January 30.
? Bali Cream Peach Bellini Petite
? Tawny Tabby Myst Double Dip Flora Soft Fold
? bUn fLoWer Blue Toy Cat
? 4T Foxie Auburn Ody Kaleid
? 8T Bali Seal pft Wild Cherry Twinkle Rounded
? 8T Russ White Rainbow Prism Porcelain Rounded Teacup
? SnowStorm & CookieCat Boxed
? 7T Foxie Auburn Double Dip Flora 2 Tone Myst Whisks
? 7T Ebony Silver Myst Midnight Sky Flair PSF 2 Tone Myst Whisks
? Siam Choco Grape Ice Foxie Ears Pft Whisks
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 08:12 AM on January 31.
? 4T Chateau Cat Grey&White No 1 Beach Blue
? 9T Bali Seal Lynx Canary Black Whiskers
? Aby Creme Pft Lucky Irish Clover Glitter Soft Fold Pft Whisks
? Russ Blue Foxie Ears and White Whisks
? Diamond II Flair Teacup
? Tawny Tabby Strawberry Bellini Blonde Streaked Whisks
? Bali Seal Pft Ody Rainbow Porcelain Pft Whisks Toy cat
? 8T Bengal Snow Pft Rain Prism Flair Mega Puss
? Silver Tabby Starry Baby Blues Ody Boo Boo White Curious
? 9T Bengal Snow Ody Sublime Glitter ?? Pair
? Ruby
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 09:30 PM on February 1.
? 8T Bali Cream pft Ody Rainbow Flair
? Blue&White Tabby pft Ody Burst
? Domino II BlueBerry Illume 2Tone Bigger de Big
? 8T Bengal Snow Divine BooBoo Tail & Ears
? 8T Oci Tawny pft Apple Illume Rounded
? 7T Bali Seal Ice Crystal Illume Ody#1 White BooBoo Whisk
? Flame II (SnowStormOS)
? FrankenPire
? 9T Oci Ebony Silver Ody Rainbow Flair Rounded
? Coco II OdyFire&Rain BigBooBoo Tail BooBoo Whisk
? 9T Russ White Pft Fancie Blue Diamond Petite
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 08:15 PM on February 2.
? 5T Russian White Ody Rainbow SF (Foxie OS)
? Foxie Blonde BigBooBoo Tail Plush Whisks
? Siamese Lilac Changing Leaf Glitter SF
? 8T Ocicat Ebony Silver Ody Rainbow Illume
? Bali Seal Myst Beach Blue Glitter Stubby Soft Fold
? 9T Foxie Auburn Gerbera Purple BooBoo Tail 2TB&W Whisk
? Genesis Domino II Megapuss (SnowStorm Blanket OS)
? Ebony Silver 18 Ct. Gold Soft Fold
? 6T Tawny Tabby
? 7T Seal Lynx Gerbera Orange Twinkle
? Chat Pink & White Pft Azure Glitter ?? Pair
? 9T Bali Seal Lynx Ody Kaleid Eyes Illume
? And More!
Come Check Out These Adorable Kitties!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 11:15 PM on February 3.
? Bali Seal Small Ody Rainbow Soft Fold Pft Whisks Bigger de Big
? Vamp of the Dead
? 9T Bengal Charcoal Pft Gerb Orange/Ody Carnival ?? Pair
? Bali Seal Myst Ody Kaleido (Cream OS)
? Team KittyCats! Abby
? Chat Cream & White No. 1 Small Earth Swanky Rounded White Plush
? Genesis Coco II ?? Pair Frazzled Whisk Vampire
? Bali Seal Grape Ice Glitter
? Domino II Changing Leaf Vampire
? 8T Bali Seal Myst Azure 2 Tone Frazzled
? Siam Flame Mint Julep Glitter
? Siam Flame Small Azure + 9T Bali Seal Myst Lemon Rounded ?? Pair
? And More!
The following kitties are at the boards now and will be available for the next 12 hours or longer. That means you can get a bid in until at least 12:15 AM on February 5.
? 8T Foxie Auburn Platinum Flair
? Siam Lilac Bronze OdyBooBoo Ears pft 2Tone Whisk
? 8T Bali Seal Azure Illume pft 2Tone Whisk Bigger de Big
? 9T Burmese Blue Tapestry Royale Glitter Soft Fold
? Bali Seal Wavy OS & Bali Lilac Wavy~Ody Carnival ?? Pair
? Love Leopard BlueBerry
? 9T Foxie Auburn Mint Julep Illume
? 6T Bali Cream Ody Kaleidoscope
? 8T Siam Lilac pft Fancie Rose Diamond Plush Whisk
? Ebony Silver Pft Ody Rainbow Soft Fold Pft Whisks
? 8T Aby BS Rainbow Prism Flair
? Bali Lilac Plum Soft Fold Bigger de Big
? 8T Bali Seal pft 18c Gold Flair
? Coco II Ody Burst Bigger de Big & Smokey II Fire BentBooBooTail Petite ??
? 6T Bali Seal Azure Illume White Plush Whisk
? 6T Snowshoe Red pft Ody Rainbow Rounded (Ody Bellini OS)
? Ruby
? And More!