Hi, it is perfectly possible

Say one has a starter hiding blush or organica and breeds it with a more dom non genesis eye and the dom non gen eye becomes visable the blush or organica is hidden.
Why I had no wishes as for other traits a complete genesis otherwise is perfectly fine.
As well as the eyes I wish for may be hidden the only thing I need in that case is proof the starter hides it and preferable bred with not too recessive eyes so I have a fair eyes range left to pick from to breed the eye with while I still know when that cat gave it's wanted hidden eye.
So wether it is pure or not depends on how the breeder that owns these starters has bred it: quick against a recessive why it becomes instantly visable and has cosmetic value only or bred with care to keep the eye pure as a hidden or via a back breed a pure visable why it can be used in projects.
And when I buy such eye I don't want the eye trait to be weak when a recessive is hidden because I might as well obtain the hidden eye in that case which is not what I am looking for or going to pay for.