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Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-) - [completed]
01-08-2013, 10:25 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2013 06:58 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #1
Star Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-) - [completed]
Hello I'm looking for Tapestry Organica other traits are not important as long as the eyes don't hide a more recessive because that is a drama to work with Wink
It can also be a proven hidden Organica.

Feel free to contact me per PM on the forums if you have something for me including the price you ask for them.

UPDATE completed

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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01-08-2013, 11:43 AM
Post: #2
RE: Blush Quartz & Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
(01-08-2013 10:25 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:  Hello I'm looking for Blush Quartz & Tapestry Organica other traits are not important as long as the eyes don't hide a more recessive because that is a drama to work with Wink
It can also be a proven hidden Blush or Organica.

Feel free to contact me per PM on the forums if you have something for me including the price you ask for them.

You do realize it's almost impossible to validate that a cat has a 'pure' trait. Generation after generation of cats can be bred with the same trait and a recessive trait can be carried that whole time.
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01-08-2013, 12:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2013 03:20 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #3
RE: Blush Quartz & Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Hi, it is perfectly possible Smile
Say one has a starter hiding blush or organica and breeds it with a more dom non genesis eye and the dom non gen eye becomes visable the blush or organica is hidden.
Why I had no wishes as for other traits a complete genesis otherwise is perfectly fine.
As well as the eyes I wish for may be hidden the only thing I need in that case is proof the starter hides it and preferable bred with not too recessive eyes so I have a fair eyes range left to pick from to breed the eye with while I still know when that cat gave it's wanted hidden eye.
So wether it is pure or not depends on how the breeder that owns these starters has bred it: quick against a recessive why it becomes instantly visable and has cosmetic value only or bred with care to keep the eye pure as a hidden or via a back breed a pure visable why it can be used in projects.
And when I buy such eye I don't want the eye trait to be weak when a recessive is hidden because I might as well obtain the hidden eye in that case which is not what I am looking for or going to pay for.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

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01-08-2013, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2013 01:01 PM by Serena Stroikavskoi.)
Post: #4
RE: Blush Quartz & Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Kayleigh, I understood you perfectly perhaps because I usually shop the same way. I won't pay for something showing, even though I want it, if I see it could or does hide something I don't like. To end up with something that, over half the boxes you get has the hidden is not something I want to deal with. I'd rather decide myself what I want hidden through breeding. Then when they show up I'm pleased either way. It's especially true with the prices that these particular eyes are going for you definitely want some control on how the results come out.

Good luck on getting them. Wink

"You're just jealous because the kitties only talk to me."
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01-08-2013, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2013 01:11 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #5
RE: Blush Quartz & Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Thank you Serena I hope there are some careful breeders out there who can help me Smile
And yes I agree for the prices they go for we need to have some controle otherwise we might obtain a very expensive not what we want eye Big Grin

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

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01-08-2013, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2013 08:46 PM by Terrariea Resident.)
Post: #6
RE: Blush Quartz & Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Hi im takig offers on my Quartz Blush girlie i got a few hours ago. She have Vampire ears as well. please go check her pedigree and give me a offer? http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vygg/50/57/85
Mine is also pure quartz Smile I also have a kitty that is hiding it if you dont want shown blush.

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01-09-2013, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2013 10:14 AM by Nocshadue Balbozar.)
Post: #7
RE: Tapestry Organica [Blush Completed] - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Kay, I don't have a breed back kitteh I can part with yet, the one I have on auction this Sat is hiding the ody bellini. If I get what you're looking for anytime soon I will check with you.

Kay, I don't have a breed back kitteh I can part with yet, the one I have on auction this Sat is hiding the ody bellini. If I get what you're looking for anytime soon I will check with you.


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01-09-2013, 10:18 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2013 10:19 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #8
RE: Tapestry Organica [Blush Completed] - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Thanks Noc, It is no problem if the kitty hides it and/ or shows all genesis otherwise Smile

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

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01-25-2013, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2013 08:21 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #9
RE: Tapestry Organica [Blush Completed] - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
Bumps for pure Tapestry Organica.
Other traits and fur are not important as long as the eye is pure.
Hidden Tapestry Organica is perfect as well I need some proof in that case though ;-)
If the eye is hidden please with a not too recessive shown eye so I have a fair range to pick from to breed my ideal kitty while still knowing if the kitty gave it's hidden Tapestry Organica eye.
I prefer a boxed kitty as I have a lot going on in my cattery at the moment Smile

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

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01-25-2013, 08:27 PM
Post: #10
RE: Tapestry Organica - Please no more recessive hidden :-)
I have two lines of Tapestry Organica Kay,

One bred out with Odyssey Bellini (from Noc's), the other was back bred with Jade and I believe it to be pure since the Tapestry Organica was hiding behind it. it's from a Christmas kitty,

This week I'll have a box ready or I might have an extra one sitting around that it's hiding, but it's definitely there and it's pure.

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