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Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
12-21-2012, 05:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2012 06:08 PM by Deer Thistle.)
Post: #1
Heart Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
I'll preface this by saying I began my quest for toys (and to a lesser extent, teacups) so I could wear kitties that weren't too giant for my avatar as the normal-sized kitties engulf my avatar and cover her clothing almost completely. Not everyone follows the same avatar proportions and we're so lucky to have the opportunity to have all sorts of sizes for kitties, especially toys for me!

With that in mind, every time I have a toy (especially those big toys!) perched on my shoulder, I wish so much that I could cuddle or hold this kitty, I adore my toys and would love nothing more than to show it by having one in my arms. Why not? The toy be the perfect size to cuddle with for my avatar and I'm sure plenty of others - my avatar isn't that tiny that I'd be in the minority in looking proportioned with cuddling my toy or at least having the opportunity to hold one.

It's wonderful having the option to attach the kitty to your shoulder but it'd be even more wonderful to have both options. Holding a normal-sized kitty that consumes my avatar when I hold him/her is about as silly looking (or more so) as a larger avatar holding a toy kitty, so bigger avatars would still be able to attach the kitty to his or her shoulder if they didn't wish to hold/cuddle and appear like the kitty is too tiny for their proportions, each person could easily use his or her discrepancy to determine if they rather sport the kitty in their arms or perched their shoulder.

I'm all about bringing more kitty options to fulfill the needs of all sorts of avatar walks of life and hope that one day toys (and perhaps even teacups for avatars even teenier as we see our friends get smaller with mesh and whatnot) too can be smothered with much love in the arms of their owners. Smile

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 Thanks given by: Sara Franco
12-21-2012, 05:50 PM
Post: #2
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
Oh yes!!!

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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12-21-2012, 07:44 PM
Post: #3
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
I would love this!!!

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12-22-2012, 12:53 AM
Post: #4
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
Agreed! I'm not quite as small as Deer but my av is fairly short. Plus if you could hold/cuddle toys and teacups just think of how many little cute ones you could hold, it would be adorable! I also think this topic has been brought up enough times to show the popularity of it within the community.

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12-22-2012, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2012 02:33 AM by Deer Thistle.)
Post: #5
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
(12-22-2012 12:53 AM)dakillakm Resident Wrote:  Agreed! I'm not quite as small as Deer but my av is fairly short. Plus if you could hold/cuddle toys and teacups just think of how many little cute ones you could hold, it would be adorable! I also think this topic has been brought up enough times to show the popularity of it within the community.

Exactly! That's what I was trying to get at; it's not just me with my particular avatar proportions that would enjoy smothering my toys with love, but there's plenty of avatars much much tinier that would even love to snuggle a teacup or so, or even regular-sized avatars who love to use the edit feature to look like they're holding several at a time. (And how cute is that!) There's plenty of fun, light-hearted reasons to let the little ones be held for all types of avatars, I can't think of any reasons against this.

And you're so right, this topic has been brought up a myriad of times in different forms and honestly, just allowing these little ones to be held would be the easiest of the solutions to further let a wider range of avatar proportions feel included in cuddling/holding their kitty that compliments their avatar size best. Smile

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12-22-2012, 07:19 AM
Post: #6
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
I'd like to cuddle and hold toys and teacups too, my avatar is not small but I think toys wouldn't be too small in any arms, maybe teacups would be harder.

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12-22-2012, 07:59 PM
Post: #7
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
I agree - my avatar is by no means ultra-small, but yet toys on my shoulder just looks HUGE, and so does big cats in my arms. -A toy kitty in my arms would be perfect for many, I suspect Smile

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12-22-2012, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2012 09:05 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #8
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
Speaking of big "Normal" cats sorry to be so rude to lend your thread for this Deery but I would like to have a size 5 days old a todler so to say Smile
Edit: And gosh wouldn't it be awesome if we get randomly a giant?
2,25 mtr. or something XD
I think they should have nice interaction options first though.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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 Thanks given by: Sara Franco
12-22-2012, 10:45 PM
Post: #9
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
5 days old is purrfect for cuddles for me as I am also so small but I would love to see some fun sort of animations to cuddle toys and teacups as well!

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12-23-2012, 05:58 AM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2012 07:06 AM by Deer Thistle.)
Post: #10
RE: Request: Cuddle/hold toy kitties! (And potentially teacups?)
(12-22-2012 09:01 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:  Speaking of big "Normal" cats sorry to be so rude to lend your thread for this Deery but I would like to have a size 5 days old a todler so to say Smile

No way, I'm glad you bring this up! The heart of this thread is really about accommodating to all sorts of avatars because let's face it, none of us have the same avatar proportions and would love different types of kitty sizes to suit our avatars. I think it'd be wonderful if KittyCatS could reach out to all sorts of avatars through having a plethora of sizes and hold/cuddle options for each, and interactivity is one of the most enticing ways to bond with your KittyCat! I'd be happy toting around my toys in my arms and others would love teacups and some would love cuddling a little 5 day old toddler size like you! (So cute, by the way!)

I wish we did have a larger spectrum of sizes than just normal, toy, and teacup to fill in the gap for those avatars too who wish to hold/cuddle kitties between the toy and normal size as I think the majority of avatars fit into that bracket. Smile

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