RE: New Eye - Fancie Cobalt Diamond
Eleanor you're being tricksy.
Here we have a single cat, Lailie Cobalt, which, is GUARANTEED to hide the Fancie Cobalt Diamond. So we already know where any Cobalt in the pedigree comes from.
Eleanor breeds it twice - with the SAME cat Mal - with two different results.
The first pedigree is the proof: Lailie throws hidden Fancie Cobalt, Mal throws the shown Fancie Teal Diamond and the Teal Diamond covers the Cobalt. Teal is dominant to Cobalt. Done.
The second pedigree is kind of a teaser. There's a sense in which it functions as the proof that Lailie Cobalt hides Fancie Cobalt - but we already knew that from virtue of Lailie being a Fancie Toyger Cobalt cat.
But this time in the mating, the Cobalt eye shows, and so it must be Mal's hidden eye that pulled it. As we can see, that *might* be Magnolia's Fancie Indigo Diamond, which would give us a nice tight range and suggest that the new fancie eyes are going to end up right by the old fancie eyes.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.