(08-24-2012 08:58 PM)Liriel Garnet Wrote: Congrats Dev!
I was lucky enough to get one of these as well, and since this is the one I really wanted of the two I've seen, I couldn't be more pleased. I did want to add this info ... mine was pulled breeding with a mom that shows Siam Blue and I believe hides Siam Choccy, so this fur appears likely to fall somewhere below that. Please understand I can't guarantee that it was Siam Choccy that pulled it, but to the best of my knowledge, that's the max that hides in mom's line.
Thank you for the info! Everyone I know that's pulled one has been with a seal and I checked my pedigree and found the mom snow did pass a seal lynx. I want to make pure a pure fur so it's sticks. (Clovis called me a purist once lol) But you just saved me quite a few steps to getting there.

I wanted to add a ty to Malayaa

She loaned me a sweet tiger tail. My goal is to make a jungle kitty out of her.