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Pedigree Suggestion
06-30-2012, 12:18 PM
Post: #1
Pedigree Suggestion
This suggestions comes in a few parts:

1: Remove owner's name from pedigree page.
-Why? - It's really none of my business who owns the grandparent of the cat whose pedigree-panel I just clicked. -And maybe that person is not keen on having their breeding projects made more or less public because he/she once sold an offspring whose offspring is now for sale or at auction or whatever.
Also, if I sell a cat, it's none of my business if the next owner later gives it away or re-sells it - and it is most definitely not my business who then gets it.
I could go on and on - but bottom line is that several privacy issues can arise from us being able to see owner's names of all cats 3 generations back.

2: Make pedigree-pages viewable for anyone.
-Why? If owner's names are no longer listed on the pedigree-page, this does not result in privacy-issues. Instead, it makes it a LOT easier to track your cat's "genes" back in time. -I can imagine how much fun we'd have with this when we can see the entire family-tree - maybe this cat is actually a descendant of the cat we sold a year ago? Big Grin
-Also, and maybe most importantly: This would mean that we can continue to track back our cat's pedigree even if we sold one or more of it's parents or grandparents... and that would be SO awesome!

3: In-build "pedigree-button" in cats.
The pedigree-buttons are nice and all, but they're tedious. -And new cat-owners don't automatically know how to get it, use it, and pass on the info. Instead, make it so that anyone can click a cat and load the pedigree-page - so that if you have access to a cat, you also have access to it's lineage. It would make things SO much easier at shops, sales, auctions etc.

If all this was done, people could share their cat's pedigree-page simply by posting a link to whoever they want to share it with. -A link that would NOT expire like the links from the current pedigree-buttons do.

-This would be nothing short of... excuse me... FREAKIN' AWESOME in my view, since I struggle each and every day with explaining to people how they need to share their pedigree-info with me in order to prove stuff for the Dominance-charts I made.
Right now, sharing your cat's pedigree with someone is not very easy, and it becomes rather difficult if that someone should be able to access the info for more than a few minutes into the future.

-But besides that, simply being able to browse pedigree-pages would make a fun activity for many eager KittyCatS-breeders Big Grin It is possible to do with other breedables I know of, without having ever resulted in privacy-issues - as long as the owner-names go, of course Smile

Hope to see this happen some time <3


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 Thanks given by: penfold83 Resident , Serena Stroikavskoi , Bea Shamrock , fleakats Resident , anna Acanthus , Sara Franco , Giuliana Verrazzano
06-30-2012, 01:52 PM
Post: #2
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
Brilliant idea saga would love to see this happen, and yes no need for owners names tbh most who do want there name shown, puts it in the name of the kitty they are selling.

Ahh i do see a problem if a dishonest breeder starts putting {saga} for example or any other reputable/established breeder in there cats name when it when it has nothing to do with said breeder, but yet they would be spotted and pitched forked to the bowels of hell soooooo, all is good on that bit <<<< i think i was having a augment with my self though, im not too sure Confused
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06-30-2012, 02:09 PM
Post: #3
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
(06-30-2012 01:52 PM)penfold83 Resident Wrote:  ...Ahh i do see a problem if a dishonest breeder starts putting {saga} for example or any other reputable/established breeder in there cats name when it when it has nothing to do with said breeder, but yet they would be spotted and pitched forked to the bowels of hell soooooo...

That particular example would be a sorry way of trying to con anyone - as most know I wouldn't ever "tag" my cats that way, LOL...

-You're right though - I don't think anyone would dare try to con buyers this way. And if they did, they'd be caught in the act I am pretty sure Wink Besides, tag or no tag, a good cat is a good cat, no matter what breeder it comes from. -And with access for all to all generations in pedigree, it'd be SO much easier to spot good cat from bad cat, and see if it can have the hidden stuff the sellers claims, or not. So, misleading costumers would be harder Smile

Saga's Google Docs - Click here
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06-30-2012, 03:00 PM
Post: #4
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
I (however many) second this too!!!!

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible now that we have the cattery page. Set up the pedigree page to type in an id to pull a pedigree and only show the traits furs (and please gender) would be awesome. Name, days, the menagerie, and owner info is not needed to view a kitty lineage.

The Cattery is for owners, the pedigree page should I think be more public. It would help so much for anyone interested in purchasing or maybe looking into someone offering a kitty for breeding.

"You're just jealous because the kitties only talk to me."
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06-30-2012, 05:52 PM
Post: #5
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
:)Wow really liking the ideas - especially making a cats whole linage more accessible to all. However not so sure about omitting previous owners/breeders name. Others could claim credit for hard work u have done.
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan
06-30-2012, 05:57 PM
Post: #6
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
I completely agree, having come back to loving my cats after a year out with the roos, it's the only thing in which KittyCats don't excel in..usually I think KC beat other breedables for innovation and customer service hands down.

However I'm so used to being able to trace lineage back as far as I like with my other breedable that I am finding it super frustrating not being able to do the same with the cats...plus, I'm insanely lazy and can never be bothered to do the pedigree for my own cats when I put them on sale.
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07-01-2012, 01:49 AM
Post: #7
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
It would be nice to have the full pedi available with every cat. While at it: please have some note function where you can fill in or unlock, if shown, the hidden traits of your own breeders. (it would tidy up my paper notes Big Grin)

I partly disagree with the "no owner" request though. Though when the whole pedigree server is browsable, your not-for-sale cats become visible, too. Maybe a good compromise would be that you can unlock the pedigree upwards for each cat.

I see some advantages in knowing where your cats come from:
• you can ask for the descendants of a cat when your cats behave oddly asking (vice versa: I give feedback on a hidden yay-trait, I discovered in some cat both to ppl I got the cat from and ppl who bought an offy)
• it is easier to identify "professional resellers" (yes, that matters to me, I do not support ppl after the easy buck and selling raffle cats and such)
• the name-tagging could be abused. Sellers with a bad reputation could make an alt and none would be the wiser.

Selling anything is a kind of contract, you have to let your pants down to some degree - RL, too.

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 Thanks given by: Bea Shamrock , Kayleigh McMillan
07-01-2012, 03:17 AM
Post: #8
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
I agree a lot with you , Mal. Especially on the first point (having a note function -I'm adding them after the kitties' names but I'd really prefer kitties to just have their name).

I really like your idea of choosing to unlock the pedigree or not as well. I personally don't mind having my name visible, and see advantages in seeing other breeders', but can understand those that prefer to keep them private.So a choice seems a good idea.

I see an issue there, however. Which will be the default option? If you make it unlocked, then there might be complaints from people that want to lock them. If you make them locked by default, there'll probably be people who forget/don't notice/etc to unlock them even if they wouldn't mind having them unlocked.

Bea Shamrock, Kitty carer and breeder

"There are no
ordinary cats"
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07-01-2012, 06:13 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2012 06:18 AM by Serena Stroikavskoi.)
Post: #9
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
Maybe a good alternate would be to provide a link to the breeder profile page here on the forum. Then set up a field on the forum profile page for contact info or not. At a latter time maybe even do a tracker and feedback for breeders if it sits well with the community. I know the forum software used here has a couple of feedback plugins that would be cool or maybe a blog/homepage to setup contact info.

"You're just jealous because the kitties only talk to me."
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07-01-2012, 07:29 AM
Post: #10
RE: Pedigree Suggestion
I also agree with this idea of being able to go back into the lineage, as for many of the costume cats that are hiding their grandparents fur would be easier to see and thus judge who to pair them up with to pull the hidden and BG traits. Whenever I click on the parents of my cats I always get the "you are not the owner of this cat, can not see pedigree" (paraphrased) error message and its like come on, I bought the cat so why can't I see their parents and grandparents? Just saying. As for the whole name thing, I don't see how seeing who the owner is would be breaking privacy, if anything I think it would be helpful to newcomers because maybe we want to connect with the prev owners, talk with them, become friends and gain wisdom from them. Just my two cents worth.

Big Grin Kitty Cats Are Like Potato Chips, You Can Never Have Just One Big Grin
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