I bought your profilers as well, i think they are great, i posted along side other the old
rm profilers. Yesterday July 10, 2017 i had a visit to my store and was told i cannot have rm profilers in my store if i have Torgon Profiler..
[10:57] Rene Marseille: hey, there is no need to rez the fake profilers
[10:57] Judy (judysl): excuse me
[10:58] Rene Marseille: I don't know why people still use that shit
[10:58] Rene Marseille: one market is enough and you don't need to support copiers
[10:59] Rene Marseille: what's the purpose of it?
[10:59] Rene Marseille: you use more prims for no reason
[10:59] Judy (judysl): i want to be in both markets, its a personal choice and this is my store
[10:59] Rene Marseille: ok good, you are banned from now
[10:59] Judy (judysl): excuse me
[11:00] Rene Marseille: you can go ahead and use whatever you want
[11:00] Judy (judysl): banned from what
[11:00] Rene Marseille: support whoever you want
[11:00] Judy (judysl): i use both
[11:00] Judy (judysl): what are you taking about
[11:00] Rene Marseille: you can try
[11:00] Judy (judysl): you make no sense
[11:00] Rene Marseille: you can try to use both

[11:00] Judy (judysl): i do
[11:00] Rene Marseille: well good, you are clearly not smart enough
[11:01] Judy (judysl): pardon me
[11:01] Rene Marseille: I am saying ..
[11:01] Rene Marseille: you will not be able to use my profilers
[11:01] Rene Marseille: understand?
[11:01] Judy (judysl): why is that
[11:01] Rene Marseille: because I will ban you
[11:01] Rene Marseille: duh
I thought the kittycat community should know why i will be removing all his profilers from my store