Hi Elisa. Thank you for posting your pedigrees. I don't think you've proved anything yet, but I think you do have the cats necessary to produce a proof.
I'll go through the first pedigree now. In doing this I'm going to work with the assumption that Fabio's assertions are correct. I have to admit I haven't worked back through all the charts.
Fabio Wrote:1 - Genesis Patch > 2 - Genesis Mocha > 3 - Genesis Pearl > 4 - Genesis Ginger
1 - Genesis Patch > 2 - Genesis Mocha > 3 - Genesis Bandit
Pedigree one:
Left side: Midget is Gen Mocha shown/? hidden, and Lyam is Gen Pearl shown/? hidden.
They produce Arline who is Gen Pearl shown/? hidden.
Assuming Fabio, Gen Mocha dom to Gen Pearl, then Arline's hidden is something unknown - which is not genesis since we're dealing with Maneki starters and they are guaranteed to be hiding a non-gen fur.
Right side: Pecan is Gen Pearl/? hidden, and Symantha is Gen Bandit/? hidden
They produce Dubhglas who is Gen Bandit/? hidden.
What we'd really like to see is possibly a Pearl popping out from under a bandit in a controlled setting, or vis versa, but we don't quite have that situation here. Dubhglas (Bandit showing) mated with Arline (Pearl showing) produces a bandit baby, but the situation isn't controlled.
The pedigree is consistent with 2 different analyses: The baby T2 could be Bandit covering Pearl, and Bandit could be dominant. Symantha's bandit covering Pecan's Pearl, and producing a Dubhglas a bandit baby and the dominant Bandit fur covering the hidden on T2 which is either also Pearl or some other more recessive fur
it is equally possible that the pedigree shows Symantha's Bandit fur covering Pecan's hidden fur which is more recessive on Dubhglas, and again covering Arline's more unknown recessive fur.
So there's no proof in pedigree one. What you should do is take Dubhglas and try to test his hidden fur, probably by running it against a known more recessive fur to see if that hidden is pearl or something else. If Dubhglas is hiding pearl, Then you've got a proof that Bandit is more dominant than Pearl