Thank you Sanu, Giulia and Jelly!
My comp *finally* arrived at my son's house on Thursday. He took it straight to UPS where Dell told him to ship it from... but it's actually being sent by FedEx and won't get to Texas until at least the 12th.
Incidentally, FedEx did *nothing* at all to have the parcel released and gave neither of us advice on what to do. Without the my son requesting the FDA send the relevant import forms my comp would still be sitting in a warehouse in Memphis.
In any case it got to my son's house without being damaged.. or even
opened which was remarkable since the wanted
every detail of
every item in the pacel.
I should have my comp back again by the end of the month. I've been browsing the best laptop deals and I did see an Asus lappy with a 2G Nvidia graphics card for under $800 that should run SL, but I haven't ordered it because it only comes with 4G of ram and is preloaded with Windows 8... and everyone I know with Windows 8 has paid to roll back to Windows 7. That's my quota of computer whining done.
Anyway, thank you so much
Sanura for your offers to help with getting me Birthday or LE kitties, thank you
Jelly for your kind words and I'm glad your kitties are safe and sound in cattery while you're away, and thank you
Giulia for your generous offers to help, as well as the timetable of all of the birthday events! I'm keeping all of my cats unpartnered until the 12th and then pairing them up in cattery where they'll hopefully make me a special kitty
I am so grateful to *everyone* who has replied here or IM'd me with suggestions on how to deal with FedEx or offers to help with my cats. None of my 'KittyCatless' friends understood how important it was that I get the cats to cattery, or how sad I was to be missing the KittyCats 2nd Birthday Party/Valentines/Mardi Gras shenanigans. This is an fantastic commumity.
My wonderful friend
Balalika has kept in contact through IM and has been incredibly supportive and generous ~ even grabbing a Love Bug for me so I wouldn't miss out. Thank you so much, Bala!
And my amazing friend
Misa... I don't know where to begin listing the things she's done to help. She's been my 'Pretend Eury'(or EurrrrrrrydiMisa) logging into my account to buy lindens/transfer money to cattery for me, she's sent my last two inworld cats to cattery for me, unpacked their baby and sent it in too, she babysat one of my older cats because she wasn't sure if I planned to send her to menagerie, she went to the Birthday sim and got me a purkle birthday kitty! She bought me some bugs and bees and I've just noticed that she sent a gorgeous partner for one of my most beautiful 9 traited cats to cattery, because I can't unpack any boxes atm. And this is the SHORT list of what she's done for me.
Misa is my angel kitty ~ I'm buying her a halo/tiara when I get back!
Bala has been a wonderful friend since the day I met her at one of Sanu's auctions.
*everyone* who replied or IM'd with suggestions and offers of help... you are all incredible people and the kindest, truest friends I could wish for.
Thank you all.
This community is filled with generous, good-hearted people ~ I'm fortunate to count so many of you as my friends. xo