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TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
06-02-2014, 12:52 PM
Post: #21
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
(06-02-2014 09:43 AM)Vampiress Solo Wrote:  " In all Due respect for all of you .. I have the fastest Auctions on the Grid .. I clear all of my panels in less than an Hour so that All of you Guys do not Overlap with me .. "

...in all due respect learn about who does what before assuming, and each patron goes to what time they require sometimes fastest doesn't mean the best.

?? a LiTTLe Bit of EVERYTHiNG byNecK??
Auctioneer x 5 yrs: LOVE FUN!!
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 Thanks given by: Beloved Ruby
06-02-2014, 01:41 PM
Post: #22
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
Hi all,

I am real new into the auctions and kittens, I just breed, but in this view weeks I learn a lot. I went to a lot of auctions and some auctioneers I like and some I dont like. So its up to me where I go now. BUT I do think its fair that there is respect for all auctioneers who work hard to look at the calendar.
And maybe there is a group, but why dont you make a auctoineers group so you can work together?
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 Thanks given by: Jackson Verlack , phoenixfire01 Resident , Mizaki Resident , Kendrah Vantelli
06-02-2014, 01:50 PM
Post: #23
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
I just started as an auctioneer 3 weeks ago...the decision was a tough one considering I already noticed that there are so many auctions going on already from the auction schedule but each market also want to have their own auctions since it is the most common event and easy way to get friendly gatherings within the KittyCats community plus buy and sell KittyCats.

I agree with many of the comments posted, we all need to work with each other if there are some clashes. Like some mentioned though, there are just so many auctions it is really hard to find a spot which is decent to hold one. The auctioneer Schedule BreeAnn maintains is really great to keep track of everything and most of us keep it as a guide.

In the end, we know buyers and sellers will go to auctions they love. I believe all the auctioneers should communicate with each other if there is some clashes or problems.

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 Thanks given by: IzzieJo Resident , Jackson Verlack , phoenixfire01 Resident , Aubreygrace Starlight , Kendrah Vantelli
06-02-2014, 02:06 PM
Post: #24
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
As breeder I can say its all about the balance, find common tongue and work together on times and dates rather than fight against each other and compete. It will be a much more productive result for ALL auctioneers if the buyers and breeders aint forced to chose between 2 or hopefully not even more. This is why if auctioneers do not want to settle things there's always sim owners who can work out a communication line and help them find common tongue to both see benefit of it. Going over each others time and dates is not helping your reputation or anothers.
We are here for community first Wink and that's all that should matter, at least I hope it does. sharing experience, enjoying the auctions and offering and buying the project results of others, not fighting over times and prices. It would be good that there's auction "unspoken rule" of honoring already taken times and prices because when one goes lower than average then it will keep getting lower, and when one overlaps, it just floods and spreads like a virus.

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 Thanks given by: Mizaki Resident , Aubreygrace Starlight
06-02-2014, 02:19 PM
Post: #25
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
Neck regarding you comment .. this Post was not about how fast auctions are and that was not my intentions when I wrote that .. my intentions were to show that each auctioneer should have a pace set for themselves so then when doing an auction if another directly follows it will not interfere.. and to Lokhe.. I agree 100% .. The community is what pays us auctioneers .. without the breeders we would not have an auction to do... When they Have to choose between Auctions because that Auctioneer demands it or another patron adds a better kitty it then takes away from the rest of the Community...and a good example of this is ... An Auction who sends a line up with the full 10 panels and another who Advertises one SPECIAL kitty for the following hour ... Why would you Advertise One Special Kitty?.. to pull people from the previous Auction ?.. or to Sell that Kitty Honestly?.. Well Me as an Auctioneer .. If my Loyal Crowd is Loyal then I know That Special Kitty is going to be Sold .. Theres no Need to Cut the previous Auction ... But Once Again it goes back to talk about the "unspoken rules" .. Scheduling is just the tip of the iceberg ... An Auctioneer group would be a Great way to help Us all as Auctioneers communicate with each other but how to we Teach the Other Auctioneers Respect?
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 Thanks given by: IzzieJo Resident , Jackson Verlack , Mizaki Resident , Kendrah Vantelli
06-03-2014, 03:11 AM
Post: #26
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
I recently started being an Auctioneers assistant and before that went to a couple of Auctions. My Auctioneer and I ALWAYS look at the schedule when asked to plan a new Auction allowing time between Auctions for buyers and sellers to move to another Auction they may be taking part in. I have seen a few Auctioneers who have stretched an Auction to almost 2 hrs long. And this is what it comes down to, mutual respect for each other, not trying to stick the boot in, leaving your Ego's tucked up in bed and doing what's best and right for the buyers and sellers of EACH Auction.

I attended Miza's Auction at ~Chateu Village~ the other week and people who were selling where late to the Auction because another Auctioneer ran over with there's. If your going to have an Auction cheek the schedule and allow "wiggle room" either side. The schedule also needs updating regularly. The schedule I see still has Raine posted on Monday's and Fridays. Raine vanished from SL a few months ago and hasn't been heard from since.

Even though I am a newer breeder and have only been in the Auctioning game for a little time, I see that it's a Respect thing. Respect each other's time slots, consult the schedule, allow for time wherever possible in between slots, do what's best for the buyer/seller and leave Ego's at home. I do not cast a shadow on any Auctioneers name or reputation nor single any one person out, these are just my opinions and can be taken with a pinch of salt if desired.

Always a KittyCatS! lover Smile

VALYRIAN CATS Owner & CatTales Staff
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 Thanks given by: Jackson Verlack , Mizaki Resident , Aubreygrace Starlight , IzzieJo Resident
06-03-2014, 06:31 AM
Post: #27
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
I agree with each and every one of you guys. As a new market owner we looked at the schedule and asked around for fear of overlapping or taking spots away and that is also why we try to have ours later. I also wanted to point out that Feline Kiddies is still listed on the schedule and I believe they have closed. So perhaps the sheet does need to be updated a bit and clear any spots that don't happen anymore to better help newer or older auctioneers. I am proud to be in a community that there is so much to do but it is hard to know of the proper way of doing things if you're new. Perhaps we need to spread the word more and work together more as a community. I only opened my market because I love KC and the people and it saddens me to see people upset or bicker when something can be easily fixed. <3 good luck to everyone.

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 Thanks given by: Mizaki Resident , AstridSolace Resident , piro336 Resident , Vrem Vaniva
06-03-2014, 07:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2014 08:09 AM by sneakpastu Resident.)
Post: #28
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?

WK stands for Wild Kajaera... and it isn't a KittyCatS! breedables sim. They are cats but quite different.

(06-02-2014 12:06 PM)Vampiress Solo Wrote:  Ya know what really pisses me off !!!
Crap like this !!!!
Never seen this before and did they check the Schedule NO .. they did Not and who does it effect ?.. almost each and every one us !!!!
[2014/06/02 10:53] CAT-A-TONIK









Feline Kiddies has not been a sim for a while now. I should know as I used to be a tenant there.

Talking to one another in a civil manner does help when fixing most any situation.

Real life does happen sometimes. Maybe there could be a sticky thread that lists a link to the Auction document. Honestly this is the first I've seen it myself.

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06-04-2014, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2014 04:48 PM by Piper Rowley.)
Post: #29
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
I honestly think that there shouldn't be the :30 time slot on the auction list where there is three. As with my auctions on Saturday at 3pm, there is one at 3:30. My auctions sometimes would run over 5 mins or so but now they last under an hour, but not under 30 mins. I know there are some that go OVER an hour and that's fine granted there is no auction after yours, but if one does come up, then time should be adjusted. Sometimes it is fun to gab and such but don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say anything bad whatsoever about those auctions. I've attended them and had a blast.

There is also an auction going on at 2:30 on Saturday and I've had patrons getting tp requests to go to that one. This one WAS at 2, which is still is listed as such on the sheet. I was told that 2:30 was a better time for that person but overlapping an ALREADY existing auction I feel was planned to take away from others. If you are listed at a certain time, stay with that time or find another time not overlapping altogether.

And I also agree with a few posts on here, favoritism and conflict of interest has riddled the sheet. Someone else really should keep up with it. Maybe someone who doesn't have an extra shop on another sim and their own, private shop and isn't staff on a sim with auctions.

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 Thanks given by: Aubreygrace Starlight , Cutie Rau , Mizaki Resident
06-04-2014, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2014 07:21 PM by Vrem Vaniva.)
Post: #30
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
As I read this thread, I see that overall, everyone posting has good intentions about respecting other auction time slots, and maintaining mutual respect among auctioneers. I am not an auctioneer but i do buy (and sometimes sell) kitties at auctions, and the overlapping times do bother me (Tuesday evening is my problem ... auctions only 1 hour apart).
It's not about the "newness" of an auctioneer -- some of our old favorite auctioneers have retired and left gaps for others to fill. Speed, and fast pace, and limited number of panels, could help a lot in some cases where auctions are scheduled only one hour apart, and the earlier one runs over an hour.

Looking at the auction schedule, I don't actually see visibly listed double-bookings for a time slot. But I do see far too many where the auctions are only one hour apart. Too rough on the spectators/ buyers /sellers -- to have to jump around that fast, even if each of those only runs for 55 minutes (which is unlikely).

But again it is not just the speed, or the lack of overlap. It's just too many auctions, too many kitty sims, too many groups to join. I don't have enough group slots to accommodate everybody's wish to "be the boss and run the show." My heart sinks when a friend (or acquaintance) tells me, "I've created a new group! Here's your invite!" Oh please, no more groups. How about consolidating some of these groups , as Felis and Crazy German are doing? Hopefully one can leave both Felis and Crazy German groups, and keep only the United Kitty Friends one.

For me, it's a group-joining issue. Example : I used to belong to Neck's group and receive auction notices, and just LOVED attending ! but something happened and the rental box ejected me from the group, and the group slot got snapped up by something else. (And I can put up with kitty spam, but was dreading getting spam about too many other kinds of breedables.) So now I'm no longer made aware of the timing of auctions that I truly enjoyed for a long time. There's no way to filter group notices so that you receive all the kitty spam and you don't get any fairy, horse, sheep, or gempanda spam.

I'm also detecting a tiny bit of scorn / disrespect in this thread. I see people saying they respect other auctioneers, but underlying it there's "you noobs are clueless -- go read the memo!" But I also see people saying they have been considerate about scheduling, when in a way they haven't -- by not allowed enough time between their new auction and existing ones. I also see people saying that they know things when they don't know. Example: to make a true claim to be "the fastest XYZ on the grid," you would have to go and research the speed of all the XYZ on the grid. And then here comes that scorn again, rebuke, in the reply.

Let me just say that I also detect a bit of umm ... insufficient familiarity with breeding ... occasionally among auctioneers and their helpers. Mind blown, for example, when an auctioneer's helper commented that my Blush kitty might be hiding Flair from the grandma. Does this make me trust that auctioneer / helper? I always used to think the Auctioneer was an Expert! I looked up to them and looked to them for wisdom. Some people are wonderful at the presentation aspect of it -- entertaining and lively and fun -- but please let's be accurate! Those who are awesome at showmanship but a little weak on kitty genetics -- those people need to go study to make their auctions as great as they should be! Let's not propagate myths and misinformation. I'd like to suggest that people who undertake to be an auctioneer, or act in ANY official capacity involving a tip-jar at an auction -- should ... well, study extra-hard to make sure they know their material! Or remain silent, refrain from speculating on the breeding aspect of the kitty, and be Assistant only in helping to fill the panels and advertise the auction. Is this a "newness" thing, maybe, the little official flub-ups?

You should form an Auctioneer's Club group, maybe appoint someone as Head Scheduler to make the timetables (as Ruby suggested...) , and invest in a Subscribomatic offering Kittycats-Only spam/ information about auction times ... and just ... help and educate each other. Collectively you could maybe work out a way to ... make it easier for us buyers to find and attend your auctions, without time conflicts.

---P.S. Cutie sent me LM to the Subscribo at Little Bit, so I'm all set now to get informed about that! YAY for subscribos, and ty all Smile
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