
How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
08-11-2013, 12:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2013 12:34 AM by Shamu077 Resident.)
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
My final total was 0/14.
14 pairs, 28 cats, NO Royal kitten.
Not really buying the 'randomness' argument, and the guy that said it took 34 tries, I think you should try the odds of that happening - they are infinitesimal!!
Its more likely an error in the logic that determines who has already got a Royal.
I own two cats that delivered Royals to two other REAL (not Alt) persons, on the first try. (I bought them back within minutes after breeding.)
What did they have in common? - They are not breeders and only owned a few Kittycats of breeding age, less than 4 cats in both cases. The newbies get them early.
Seems the more cats we have to breed, the less likely we will get one. That is not randomness.
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08-11-2013, 01:13 AM
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
(08-11-2013 12:30 AM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote: The newbies get them early.
Seems the more cats we have to breed, the less likely we will get one. That is not randomness.
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KittyCatS History Thread
08-11-2013, 01:13 AM
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
Seems legit.
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08-11-2013, 09:58 PM
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
My first four pairs which I had on the first day, first pair I got one. With my first alt, second pair, I got one. Next alt it took to the next day pair 5 I think. Then my fourth alt got one, but forget which pair, my last alt, she had 3 tried, no royal.
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08-12-2013, 01:53 AM
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
(08-11-2013 09:58 PM)Mari Halderman Wrote: My first four pairs which I had on the first day, first pair I got one. With my first alt, second pair, I got one. Next alt it took to the next day pair 5 I think. Then my fourth alt got one, but forget which pair, my last alt, she had 3 tried, no royal.
conclusion: the more alts you have with kittycats, the more chance you have to breed a special specimen...
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08-12-2013, 05:30 PM
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
Well they were one per avatar, so in order to get more then one you have to use alts
08-13-2013, 07:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2013 07:23 AM by Seiichi Niosaki.)
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
(08-11-2013 12:30 AM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote: Seems the more cats we have to breed, the less likely we will get one. That is not randomness.
Hmm.. I don't know if that conclusion is valid, between me and my breeder partner (we've been breeding around 40 cats since January) I got a royal on my first try, she got a royal on her last box. Our alts are a mixture of first time owner/breeder and occasional owner/breeder. First time alt and occasional owner/breeder alt got a royal on first try too.
We had a plan this time (after that disappointing Dreams of Eire episode) : Breed a pair of cats on 1 avatar, if no royal shows, move on to the next avatar and try to breed from that avatar and so on until we get a royal. We decided not to continuously breed on 1 avatar until a royal shows but rotate the alts so each box produced is spread out. I'm guessing the KittyCats server takes into account the region/parcel the mother cat is in (command to produce a box is sent to the region while it registers you as the owner in the database) but I wasn't sure if region vs avatar ID is another factor in the 'randomness' of the royals, we took no chances and bred kitties in different places too. It worked for us, but since randomness is at hand, this method may or may not work the next time. It's still worth a try when a special edition comes up again
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08-13-2013, 09:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2013 09:19 AM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: How Many Cats Did You Breed To Get Your Royal?
Yes, it's an incorrect conclusion.
A plan helps.
Charm keeps her cats in the Cattery. In preparation for the event, a few days ahead of time, she ceased pairing them and ceased sending ones she no longer needed to the Menagerie. This prevented box production and gave her a large number of cats ready-to-go.
When the time came, she selected a few pairs, and brought them in-world. Boy, then girl, mate them, move to the next pair. Wait until either a winner appeared, or all had produced non-winners. Send everything back to the Cattery. Rinse and repeat.
We kept an ALT standing next to her with a Local Chat open to it (we like Local Chat to transfer inventory because it's an easy target to hit, especially when you're in a hurry). When a winner appeared, she passed the girls to the ALT as quickly as possible to prevent additional box production. Then, the boys. She passed the cats from her Dock to the ALT as she brought them in world, careful to never have a male and a female owned by her at the same time, again, to prevent box production.
When the winner appeared, the ALT passed the girls to her, again, preventing box production, and then boys to the next ALT, when it was logged in before she started passing the girls to that new ALT.
At the time of the event, Charm had about 50 pairs segregated and ready. This allowed us to exhaust our supply of ALTs long before we ran out of pairs.
The only hiccup we ran in to was food. Some of the cats needed to eat. For that, the ALT put the cats on the ground and then hand-changed their group to our private group. Charm laid out another food bowl, set it to our group, then set it to feed Group instead of My Cats, so the ALT did not need to purchase food. This means there was a risk that a box might want to appear, but fail, because of being in the wrong group; but that is easily manageable, actually only a very small risk, and the cats will recover from it when we set them back to the normal land group once they had low enough hunger.
We've found an added benefit of evens such as this is it "syncs" your cats. For the next few weeks, Charm's work is made much easier because the cats are all, generally, on the same sleep and hunger cycles, and there tends to be a Boxes Day!!! followed by a long lull until the next, so she has plenty of time to thing and plan and can take some time off.
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