(03-08-2016 10:51 PM)Charmayne Brentley Wrote: Ok, I brought this to Tad's attention and he grandly waved me away. But ever since the Confetti cats had the issue of February 22nd,2016, approximately, in the cattery and inworld; I have not gotten one single solitary confetti fur. All Tad says is, "Well to get as many as you have, you are extremely lucky. But, all I know is, that if I have 4 to 6 couples producing a box, at any given time (within a few days) at least one of them will be confetti fur, and even maybe a better confetti fur. So has anyone else noticed this? Or is this me being me? I just had a couple, which have produced very nice confettis for me give another genesis cocoa. I am just about to have a confetti colored menagerie.
i think breeding confetti's is something you HAVE TO do on a large scale if you want success. i had 3 pairs going, and would typicly get 1 confetti and 2 duds per 'drop day'(again the time of the week they all drop), i imagine if i had more, i'd obviously get more confetti, but thats all in the fun of them tbh. they're VERY risk vs reward with the drop rate lol.