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ALL NEW EYES ARE ALIGNED PERFECTLY: Aqua > Bronze > Evergreen > Sunflower > Odyssey 2
03-07-2016, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2016 05:53 PM by fabioazevedo Oh.)
Post: #1
Rainbow ALL NEW EYES ARE ALIGNED PERFECTLY: Aqua > Bronze > Evergreen > Sunflower > Odyssey 2

I'm opening post is to begin the work of recessive tests for new Genesis Aqua, Bronze, Sunflower, Evergreen and Odyssey 2.

Use this post to publish your evidence.

I thank everyone for publishing their pedigree and help in this mission.

We have to date the following order of dominance confirmed:

1 - Genesis Aqua > 2 - Genesis Bronze > 3 - Genesis Evergreen > 4 - Genesis Sunflower > 5 - Genesis Odyssey 2

[Image: ddf84eb7cbdae45b6c8db0b214276419.png]

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 Thanks given by: Deidra Loring
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ALL NEW EYES ARE ALIGNED PERFECTLY: Aqua > Bronze > Evergreen > Sunflower > Odyssey 2 - fabioazevedo Oh - 03-07-2016 03:37 PM

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